
Well Known Member
Apologies if this is old knowledge - it wasn't for me, so I thought I'd pass it on.

I was trying to use a strap wrench to remove a PVC fitting on our pool's filter. It was about a 3 inch pipe, and I have 2 different sizes of strap wrench, and they just kept slipping. The surface was clean and dry, but no luck.

My 9 year old daughter suggested that I use some tape to make the wrench stick better. Brilliant! I got some double sided tape, put it around the pipe, and it worked perfectly. Just thought I'd pass this tip on - I'm sure it could be useful for removing things like oil filters.
My 9 year old daughter suggested that I use some tape to make the wrench stick better. Brilliant! I got some double sided tape, put it around the pipe, and it worked perfectly. Just thought I'd pass this tip on - I'm sure it could be useful for removing things like oil filters.
You have a smart daughter! Maybe a future engineer.

Great tip by the way.

I borrowed (stole) some of that neat rubberized gauze stuff my wife uses in the kitchen cabinets to keep dishes from sliding. It works great on oil filters and threaded caps.

I also found out recently that they use it in the carpet industry to keep area rugs from sliding. I'll need to ask my buddy the carpet guy for a few scraps :)