mike newall

Well Known Member
Having dropped nuts, washers, cotter pins etc etc into the works, I am always annoyed when you cannot find the little blighters.


Digital Camera.

Drop camera into hole/orifice/tunnel/area and snap a couple of pictures. If it has a close up setting - enable it.

OMG - I have found all sorts - not only what I was looking for but other trash that had migrated into places they shouldn't have migrated.
Good Idea

I use a telescoping and swiveling magnet, basically a magnet on a stick to get dropped hardware. Works great if what you dropped is a ferrous metal.
get a hungry dog and keep it around

mine watches whatever we do in hopes a crumb will fall to the ground and she walks over like an ant eater to check to see if it's edible. If I drop a washer, screw, etc her nose will tell me where it ended up...