
Well Known Member
I found this really neat labeling system called Rhino Pro 5000. It is a battery powered hand held Dymo printer that prints on heat shrink tubing. The heat shrink is in cartridges and snap into the rear making it super easy to change sizes. A couple of pictures and a link is posted below. You can see several different sizes stored in the case. I know there are other ways to accomplish the labeling but I had never seen this printer. It can be purchased for under $100, maybe less on ebay. The pictures are not the greatest but you can see the result pretty good in the second picture.




You can read more about it here.

The heat shrink is available in multiple sizes and in white or yellow.
Kroy too.

I've had a Kroy for a long time and Al's right, too expensive. It makes me skimp on my shrinks. Kind of a rip.
Cheaper yet buy good 3:1 white heat shrink, write on it with a sharpie and then shrink it. This way you can use any size of shrink wrap.
Or, print on plain white paper, cut small, and slip it under clear shrink wrap. That works too.

Not as pretty

I use different color heat shrink tubing from an electronics supply store, generally around $1.25 for a 4 foot length. Write your text with a sharpie and shrink it down. Works fine and very durable. You can color code the wires that way and make trouble shooting even easier.