G3i Ignition

Well Known Member
Those darn adell clamps ##!% SOLVED
Came up with today with the frustration of holding two adell clamps with needle noses and hemostats. Tuff problem made easy with a small piece of metal.




Thanks! I was wrestling them a couple days ago!:mad:

That simple idea you came up with would have come in handy!

Me thinks I will make one for the next time :D

I just safety them closed with thin safety wire and cut it off after installing hardware.
This begs the question...

WHY are they springy? Does that serve some useful purpose? If so the reason escapes me.. Just seems they would be a lot easier to work with if they weren't THAT springy...

Adel clamps are kind of like your second grade teacher. All she wanted to do was teach us new vocabulary words!
Great idea, why didn't I think of that, I've just struggled with needlenose & grunting but not any more, thanks for the tip.