
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I learned long ago not to let those who might be a little fearful of flying in an experimental airplane see a tube of epoxy or a container of super glue in the toolbox - they suddenly find lots of excuses NOT to fly in your airplane...:rolleyes:

Nevertheless, usually ave a little tube of each around for non-structural bits and things, and today, i found a great use for the super glue - in all my years of trying to attach fabrics and vinyls to metal, I've used all of the usual "aviation" adhesives - pliobond, contact cement, that tube of 3M brownish stuff that we used on I needed to glue the Naugahyde stick boots in Mikey to the mounting ring, and wow! The little tube of super glue did great!

I must admit that I usually have poor luck with super glue, but in this application (the vinyl side of the the Naugahyde adhering to the aluminum) it worked great - no mess, no added thickness, and when I tried to rip apart my test coupon, the Naugahyde actually came apart, leaving the vinyl attached as the fabric backing came off.

Good stuff!

It works. Permatex makes about eleventeen bazillion (aeronautical number) different permutations of the stuff for industrial applications. Follow the prep instructions and use for recommended applications and it can be very durable. I've got some odds n' ends in my "nostalgia box" at work that were put together with various kinds of cyanoacrylates over the years, still solidly bonded.
do you have the fancy bottle with the nail polish type brush?

that's what I use for my glareshield faux leather that comes loose. ;)
I always keep a tube handy in my first aid kit. It makes for a great bandaid and has eliminated a couple of trips to the emergency room for stitches in the past. :)

Funny you should mention using cyanoacrylates as a band-aid. Did you know that there is actually a medical grade superglue and the only country it's use is not approved is the good ole USA?

I've been using it to close cuts (that would normally require stitches) for years.
Funny you should mention using cyanoacrylates as a band-aid. Did you know that there is actually a medical grade superglue and the only country it's use is not approved is the good ole USA?

I've been using it to close cuts (that would normally require stitches) for years.

Not so sure about this. My last trip the e-room was RV related where the gash was closed with a super glue.

I have used gallons of this stuff building models over the years.

Accidently drop a drop of the thin stuff on your thigh while wearing denim jeans and see what happens :eek: :eek: :eek:
Topical tissue adhesives

My company, Abbott, makes Nexaband for surgical closures in pets. Works great. J&J does have an OTC product for humans.


Accelerated CA glues do a great job of gluing eyelids together too! :eek:

Don't ask how I know that one:rolleyes:
"Dermabond" is an approved cyanoacrylate that we use frequently for simple lacs in the ED.

Several friends that are emergency physicians have fixed up their kids with super glue from the hardware store rather than take them to the ED.

The main caution is to thoroughly clean the wound before closing with superglue - it is an occlusive closure and completely covers the wound, trapping inside any foreign material that may be there. This can theoretically increase the risk of infection compared with sutures, which have interruptions between them to allow "stuff" to drain / escape. The best method for cleaning is thorough rinsing with flowing cold tap water (just like your mom used to do!).

How's that for thread creep :D

It's great for glueing washers together in order to pack them into those pesky aileron brackets....

RV7A - Finishing
"Dermabond" is an approved cyanoacrylate that we use frequently for simple lacs in the ED.....

How's that for thread creep :D



I don't see this as thread creep. The thread is about RV uses for CA; gluing ourselves back together after RV encounters is a valid RV/CA use :)
