
Well Known Member
Ya know if I could start again I would build a simple/light/VFR/day/night RV aircraft...................but on this, my first venture into lets build our own plane I just couldn't resist kicking it up a few notches.:eek:

Here is my lates and hopefully last FG custom facet.............FG lower gear fairing/fairing...............

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... paint prep ...... FG stuff
Nice job

I like what you have done. I am going to re-do my top fairing, the one I got does not fit very well. May just look at doing your lower job too! Thanks !


I have been toying with the idea of blending the nose gear fairing into the wheel pant also.

I was thinking along the lines of bonding the two together into a single unit, blending the joint area into a smooth fillet, then cutting it apart in a plane normal to the vertical portion of the gear leg. Make a couple of close out plates, and the two parts would have very close spacing, but still allow full motion without binding.

Think how the spinner and cowl fitment is done-----same concept.
RE:Upper Nose Gear Fairing

I like what you have done. I am going to re-do my top fairing, the one I got does not fit very well. May just look at doing your lower job too! Thanks !


Bill I also did the upper nose gear fairing. I did use too many layers of glass. Thus it is very stiff and thus a little difficult to remove. I am going to stick with it for now!

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Paint Prep/FG