
Well Known Member
I'm building a little out of order by building my RV-10 fuselage kit ahead of the wing kit.

When it came time to join the forward and aft sections of the fuselage together at the wing spars with the spacers and bolts, I was a little out of luck because the wing spar bolts come with the wing kit.

I reckoned that this connection was temporary for the purpose of drilling the skins and related parts so dummy bolts should suffice.

The problem is that the burnished holes in the spars are an exotic size that is not easily matched at a hardware store. Conventional sizes are either too large or too small.

However, since I excel at anything "dummy", this is the solution that I came up with that actually worked quite well.

I found that generic automotive rubber fuel line fits perfectly inside the smaller holes of the spars. I coupled that with 1/8th inch toggle bolts run through the tubing, fender washers, and wing nuts.

This dummy set up mated everything together perfectly, and as a bonus, the rubber left the inside burnished surfaced unmolested and at final assembly my "real" bolts and nuts will be virgin and unstressed.

The total cost was less than $5.00

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