
Well Known Member
I found a cheap and easy way to make a couple of dimpling "tables" for use with the C frame or DRDT-2 ... assuming you haven't broken down your wing kit boxes yet.
I cut the ends off the wing box:


and then used a jigsaw to "rip" the boards on the sides down such that the height was correct for the dimpler (in my case 6 3/4"):


Mine are a little dirty / warped as I left the box out in the rain once or twice after moving.
Cheap, works great. I just need a little scrap carpet to put on top!

-8 wings

I have no clue why the pictures won't appear..? The links work...
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Crates of wrath

Nice use of the Vans packing lumber. My rolling wing cradle and a few other do-dads (like the fuselage sawhorses) in the shop are full of packing lumber remnants.

The 3/4 by X lumber is real crap to use though. It takes some extra effort to use it without it spitting horribly in the middle of your new construction. It is definitely pure "Van's"... ;) Just good enough to do the assigned task well. We know it does, 'cause the crates are generally pristine on arrival. Seen plenty of pictures of newly arrived crates, haven't we all? :D
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Another easy alternative.
I used a cheap second-hand cardboard core door from the building recyclers (pick one that is not warped) I glued wood blocks on the corners for the correct height and then cut an appropriate hole for the lower shaft of the dimpler. The only problem is that it is a bit light-weight so it will need to be secured to your bench to stop it moving.
Finley Atherton
9A Australia