Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
For those with an 8, 10, or other model where the windshield gets bonded to the front deck, here is a tip that worked for me.

Before I installed the windshield, I taped some heavy paper (poster paper) over the area the windshield would end up.

I then set the windshield in place, and drew a line on the outside of the windshield, and another on the inside of the dash cover/cowl.

Now, I have a pattern to use later for making a nice dash cover, with a bit of extra on the curve side, just in case of an "OOPS" while cutting.

After the windshield was final mounted, I test fit the paper template/pattern and trimmed as needed until I got a good fit.

Lastly, I used the paper pattern to cut a piece of material for the cover------fit like a glove:D