
Well Known Member
A while back I was trying to get my panel wired and needed a power source. I ended up using a car battery charger without realizing that this thing puts out rectified AC. This caused a gigantic hum in my radio and I thought I'd barbequed the whole thing until somebody on here put me straight. I went back to the local electronics store in search of a power supply or battery. A guy next to me in line suggested I just get some lamp cord and a car cig lighter plug. Well 5 bucks and a half hour later I had all the power I needed straight from my Toyota truck. So simple and soooo cheap.
Another version is to take a used computer power supply and use that. It puts out 5V and 12V DC. In order to get the full 12V you have to put a resistor across the 5V lines. While the computer power supply doesn't put out a ton of amps, it's enough to drive most all the electronics in the plane.

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