Update your old copy....

That's the Sacramento SkyRanch CD mentioned before... and is the same as Mechanic's Toolbox CD sold by Vans.

I checked my Vans version I purchased a long time ago, it was version2.xx.
I wrote to John Schwaner with the e-mail address on the above website, and he upgraded me to the latest version, which is now 4.3.0 with no charge.

Great customer service!!

Nice to see a major content upgrade without having to buy the latest version....:)

The CD is well worth the $25 for it's great amount of reference material.

gil A - usual disclaimer - definitely a satisfied customer
AN, MS, NAS, other Aircraft Hardware

Feel free, for free, for your personal use, to download any of our reference book pages.

They usually have more info than a regular catalog will.

The pages available are indicated by a Little wrench on the left side menu icons that says "Tech Info"

For even more info about hardware go to our site tips.

As far as I know there is no where else that will provide you this much information without selling you the actual specification documents.


Have fun!
They are available for free

As far as I know there is no where else that will provide you this much information without selling you the actual specification documents.


Have fun!

Tom... not quite... our tax $$$ are still at work....:)

The AN and MS specifications are available straight from the source (the Military...:)...) in PDF format on this web site....


You may need to register (free) to say who you are....

Unfortunately, as they get cancelled and replaced by SAE specifications (the ASxxx ones) they do then come with a price... however old, inactive specifications still seem to be available on the above site....

But - Tom's pages do give a better overall view of multiple part "dash" numbers than the full specifications... thanks Tom!!

gil A
Thanks, The more you know.....

Tom... not quite... our tax $$$ are still at work....:)

The AN and MS specifications are available straight from the source (the Military...:)...) in PDF format on this web site....


You may need to register (free) to say who you are....

Unfortunately, as they get cancelled and replaced by SAE specifications (the ASxxx ones) they do then come with a price... however old, inactive specifications still seem to be available on the above site....

But - Tom's pages do give a better overall view of multiple part "dash" numbers than the full specifications... thanks Tom!!

gil A

Thanks, Mister Gil,

It is good that you put that out there for those who need that info for a more detailed purpose.:cool:

The info you give is a good source for the prints to manufacture or inspect, but they are not real great for making selection for usage.

Ours are setup to boil many pages down to the level of basic info for selection and usage. IE the info for the Nutplate pages came from over 85 pages of MS and NAS prints, all boiled down int 3 pages. You still have to read carefully, but you don't need a small truck to carry the prints that helped make up our whole book.


One of our motto's is "We take the Headache out of Hardware ! "

We are here to help.