
Cool. This is a good idea. If anybody is interested, I wrote up how I would do it if I had to do it all over again. I included pictures and an explaination of how I actually did it and why I was able to make it work out well in the end.

Since I'm too busy building to make my own website, Mickey was kind enough to post my file on his website. Click here to see it.
Rene, have you guys glued the back window yet? Looks like that may be a bit more "interesting" :)
Hi Radomir,

No we did not do that yet (we had to paint the interior first), but we are about to do it. The cleaning/priming/glueing is about the same but keeping the window in the correct place is of course the hardest part. Presently we are thinking about some kind of scaffolding, together with an inflatable matrass or something like that. A piece of bowed carbon fiber (fishing-) rod might do the trick too. We'll see.... Do you have any suggestions?
About the canopy skirts...

My though is that if I do not use screws to hold the canopy on, I also do not want to rivet the rear skirt (which I plan to make from fiberglass) through the plexi.

I do not think the fiberglass epoxy will hold the skirts to the glass, but I am not sure. Has anyone made fiberglass skirts with a glued canopy? How did you fasten the skirts?

Devcon plastic welder or Loctite Hysol (Not a threadlocker) seem like they could be used to glue the skirts to the canopy plexi..any thoughts?
Jconard said:
I do not think the fiberglass epoxy will hold the skirts to the glass, but I am not sure. Has anyone made fiberglass skirts with a glued canopy? How did you fasten the skirts?

I made a fiberglass skirt and used a thin layer of sika about 1" wide between the plexy and the skirt. After a couple of weeks - very strong but stays slightly flexible (a good thing). Now about 110 hours on my RV and the skirt stays put nicely - no screws or pop rivets.
Sika and rear window

I finished my canopy about six months ago. Prep the back window the same as the front. Run 1/8 inch bead around area where the window contacts the turtle deck. I used 1/8 rubber shims between window and roll bar. Flex the window into place. A couple of boxes and two beach balls in the baggage comparment. Air the beach balls up and lightly clamp the window to the roll bar. I then ran a bead around the roll bar. The next night I pulled the shims and filled the voids with Sika. Worked great! :)
Do they make adjustable shower curtain rods that are short enough to fit inside? That's what I was thinking of, but I'm not sure if they're available in those lengths. A few of those could do the job.