Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
There have been several posts here regarding bending of the fuel lines, particularly through the gear attachment of the -A models. One of my concerns when I first did this (yes, I have done it twice now) was the potential for chafing of the fuel line on either the brake line (I have since moved the brake line) or the gear weldment. There also is potential for chafing of the line under the center cover as it goes toward the firewall. A simple protective solution for this is to go to the local Lowes or Home Depot aviation department and pick up some tygon (R) or similar tubing that is 3/8 inches ID. This is the clear plastic, very flexible stuff. I cut several lengths and slipped (well, it wasn't really quite that easy) it over the fuel lines as I was installing (and bending) them. A bit of WD-40 inside the tygon helps lubricate, and it is important to push the tubing onto the fuel line rather than pull it (if pulled too hard, it acts kind of like the chinese finger puzzle you used as a kid and grabs the Al line tightly). It is easier to put it onto the lines before they are bent than after, but it is not always possible to avoid pushing it on over the bends. Once the tygon is completely on the Al line, use a 3/8 ID washer to push it around where you want it.
