
Well Known Member
today worked at the aileron pivots. Because I just had the wings in the HARD way: with ratchets and all (but how wonderful!!) I wouldn't take one off this stadium. The side plates and aft window are to installed, so I figured I could reach. I couldn't. In stead I crawled in the bagage area and fixed the job.
But I was wondering: how in the world am I to do adjustments to those aileron pivots when the aft window is in?! I'm no fat guy but I don't really fit between the bar behind the chairs, and my arms are way to short.
Now I read this post about heavy wings and adjusting those pivots: how do YOU cope??
If the control system is built/assembled correctly, there wont be any adjustments you have to access that area for (and even if you did adjust push/pull rod lengths, it would have no effect on the roll trim).

The rod ends that people are adjusting to influence roll trim are the ones used as hinge points on the flapperons.
Hi Hans,

I never changed something inside the aircraft. Just install the pushrods per Van's instructions. To correct a heavy wing you can squeeze an aileron, bend the aft part of the wing skin, adjust the aileron rod-end bearing or use a trim tab.

(Scott was typing faster ;-) )