
Well Known Member
Anyone have a canopy with more tint than the baseline canopy sold with the finish kit? My finish kit is set to deliver in about 3 weeks but Van's tells me I have time to decide on a different source for the canopy (Todd's???).

For those who have darker tinted canopies how dark did you go and do you have any issues with night flight?

Thanks as always!


I have a darker than standard tint on my -8. Keep in mind the following occurred in 2002 before Todd's Canopies was born.

I called Vans to ask about a tinted canopy. I was told that they only sell the one color -- clear. They did not sell darker tints because (according to Vans) they are not legal for night VFR flight. However, the person I spoke to gave me the telephone number for the company that makes Vans canopies. I can't remember who that is but I'm sure Vans could tell you. I called the canopy maker (very nice folks), and they sent me samples of darker tints. The one I chose is the next darker up from Vans. Its number is 2514. The canopy maker told me that the tint is perfectly legal for VFR night flight. It is the preferred tint for many other experimental kits and is used by Piper in some of their aircraft.

The canopy maker was coincidentally preparing a shipment to Vans and told me if I ordered it right away they could add it to that shipment and then Vans could put it in my finish kit. That's exactly what happened and a few weeks later I had my finish kit complete with tinted canopy. Vans credited me the original canopy and charged for the new one. The up-charge was about $55.

Regarding night flight. I must admit that I have flown very little at night with my -8. When I have, I have not noticed any problem.

I have heard very good things about Todd's canopies, and I especially like the idea of the extra thickness in them. If I were building today, I would probably go the Todd's route.


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I pondered this very question both when I replaced the glass in my C-152, and also when I built the Cozy MKIV. Both times I came to the conclusion that you can always darken things up in a clear canopy with sunglasses, visors, and shades. You can't lighten things up in a tinted canopy. I like to fly at dusk and night so I want things as clear and natural as possible. I used Todd's Canopies for the Cozy MKIV and can votch for his quality and top notch service.
Thanks fellas!

Cancelled my VANs standard canopy and ordered a darker tint from Todd's. In fact I didnt' really have to order as I live in Jacksonville. Todd told me all I need to do is give him 1 (yes that is a 1) days notice and he'll drive my canopy to the half way point and I could give him a check there and he gives me the canopy.

Finish kit arrives at the end of the month. Starting to collect my electrical stuff (wire, switches, fuses, connectors, etc..).

I'm using the Vertical Power - 50 and dual infinity stick grips :)

I've order the darker canopy (#2514) from Van's for both my RV-8 and RV-7. I recall it being a non-event when ordering for the RV-8, way back in 1999 or 2000, maybe. They did not want to do it on the RV-7 order (2006) until I mentioned I had done it before on the RV-8 and had no problems. The difference is barely noticeable, IMO. I only had a couple night flights in the RV-8, without issue.
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