
I'm starting to look at options with my finish kit order (easier than finishing the fiberglass tips). Had been planning on a Todd's canopy because the tinted version sounds like a no brainer for Arizona and from reading the posts here it sounded like Vans had only the clear plexi. Anyway, I'd gotten a price from Todds (350 + 150 shipping) and called Vans for their price and was surprised to find they have 2 tinted options. A bronze-2412 and a "darker"-2514 for $812 each.... oh no, another choice!

So, does anyone have any insight (or even better-pics) of these tints to compare? It looks like from doing a google search that the 2514 is a gray or smoke tint.

Jerald King
-8 Tucson
a quick search of tinted+canopy will reveal many discussions on the topic including pics and observations.
Take a look at the search feature.
Done the search

Read the posts. (Got the t-shirt?) Seen some tinted canopies. Most pics don't say what tint their canopy is, however, and "darker" doesn't help much. What is the Van's bronze or the "darker".

Jerald King
-9 Tucson
it sounded like Vans had only the clear plexi.

And to remind that if you order standard canopy from Van's, it's tinted... not the clear one (clear is special order as well). There seems to be quite difference in prices between Van's and Todd. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Larry

Thats what I was looking for. Thought perhaps the 2514 might be somewhat darker than the Todd's lighter tint but lighter than his dark dark. Looks like thats not the case.

Jerald King
-8 Tucson
tint shade/colour etc.

...gee, unless you want bronze to match your paint job, the actual light transmission specs between the various grades are almost imperceptible, ( like 1 or 2 %) especially from inside the cockpit.
The reason they look so much darker on the plane, is you are usually looking thru TWO layers at the background behind the canopy.
If you want the darker tint for 'shade', I'd think twice.
Get a Kroger sun shade, or something similar, and a good pair of sunglasses, good air vents, and a hat! The tint will not keep the cabin one degree cooler!
tints info

Okay, so I was off a few percent ! :)
...here's some data to chew over, but in reality, it gets hot in there, regardless of tint I think!
(sorry about the lousy formatting)

TABLE 7: Solar Energy and Visible Light
Transmittance of PLEXIGLAS Sheet–Solar

Transmittance (all thicknesses)

Color # Solar energy Visible light

Colorless 85% 92%
Gray #2538 27% 16%
Gray #2537 41% 33%
Gray #2064 36% 27%
Gray #2074 24% 12%
Gray #2094 55% 45%
Gray #2514 62% 59%
Gray #2515 74% 76%
Bronze #2370 20% 10%
Bronze #2412 35% 27%
Bronze #2404 56% 49%
Bronze #2539 62% 61%
Bronze #2540 75% 75%

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I have the 2514 tint. I like it. Don't know what else to say other than a number of people who have Van's clear have looked at mine and said they wish they had the darker tint (I fly in Texas). It is gray tint for lack of a better description.

If you choose Todd's (which is also thicker than van's) be prepared for a slightly different shape to the canopy especially at the rear where it meets the skirt. It takes a sharper angle downward. No big deal other than some extra fiberglass work.

See my RV-8 profile page for pictures if you need a reference for appearance.

Well, OUCH. That was a cut, right?

Thanks to all who responded with helpful information to my question.

I do like the 2514 gray, but may still go with Todds lighter timt due to the price break. Someone posted that Todds are thicker but I've read one persons (post or website, can't remember) that he cracked his Vans canopy and ordered one from Todds and could not tell any difference in thickness... so maybe they're only 1/4 inch before molding?

Jerald King
-8 Tucson
Not mean't to be a cut at you in anyway... good thread, I learn something new. I will delete the post.

Thanks to all who responded with helpful information to my question.

I do like the 2514 gray, but may still go with Todds lighter timt due to the price break. Someone posted that Todds are thicker but I've read one persons (post or website, can't remember) that he cracked his Vans canopy and ordered one from Todds and could not tell any difference in thickness... so maybe they're only 1/4 inch before molding?

Jerald King
-8 Tucson
Sunglasses at Night

I always figured flying with a tinted canopy was like wearing sunglasses at night: your vision will be greatly reduced from what it would be with a clear canopy. You can always use a sunshade. My $.02.
I always figured flying with a tinted canopy was like wearing sunglasses at night: your vision will be greatly reduced from what it would be with a clear canopy. You can always use a sunshade. My $.02.

I agree with this statement.

While I am still a good way from installing my canopy, I have already decided to go with a clear canopy. Sure it may be overly bright in a summer day, but I could wear a hat, sunglasses, and/or use a sunshade.

However, having a clear canopy for night flight will be quite beneficial indeed. Furthermore, it is an easy matter to dispose of the hat, sunglasses, and/or sunshade while that is not the case with the tinting.
I had a well known EAA Legend tell me "a little tint goes a long way"...I take that to heart, and will not vary from standard by more than one shade.

Also, I've talked with Todd, and I believe he said (going from memory, no promise on acuracy) the thickness difference is like 1/16th or 3/32"...not sure most of us could feel or see a difference. But he said it is noticeably stiffer when you move it around off the frame.

I got some samples from Van's vendor of the Bronze...looks cool, but your paint scheme would have to take it into account.

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OK Reiley, you're back at the top of my "to give rides to" list when I get this critter built!

The website I wanted to reference in the earlier post regarding relative thicknesses was John Huft's site. Maybe his wasn't the norm. I've heard nothing but good about Todd's service and product.

Maybe a lot of the bias regarding tint is geographic. The two previous posts for clear are both Eastern. Someone in Arizona looking at all that clear plexi sees themselves in a thermal oven.

Jerald King
-8 Tucson
Slight topic drift here - but what is the price differential between the Vans and Todds canopy? Vans did not receive my faxed finishing kit order that I sent them on Sunday and I haven't resent it yet - so I still have a chance to drop back and punt...
Don't think Todd makes one

Slight topic drift here - but what is the price differential between the Vans and Todds canopy? Vans did not receive my faxed finishing kit order that I sent them on Sunday and I haven't resent it yet - so I still have a chance to drop back and punt...

I don't think Todd makes one for the RV9 Greg. I don't find it on his website.
I used a Todd's light tint canopy. I ordered a 1/4" thick one, but he was having trouble at the time getting quality plexiglass in that thickness, so, not wanting to wait, I used the standard thickness - 3/32". The RV-8 on the right is Jon Thocker's standard Van's canopy. Mine is on the left.


Looking 'cool' counts for something too....

I've only flown once at night and the tint didn't seem to be a problem.
