
Well Known Member

Stupid question?what documents do I send in and when? I have a list of the following:

1) A/C registration information (8050-1)
2) Bill of Sale (8050-2)
3) Affadavit of Ownership (8050-88)
4) App for Airworthiness (8130-6)
5) Eligibility Statement (8130-12)
6) Program Letter
7) Airman Certification Application (8610-2)

Do documents 1-5 get submitted in advance, document 6 goes to the DAR, and document 7 gets submitted after inspection?

Just trying to plan ahead on when to submit what.

7A Finishing
What documents do I send in and when? I have a list of the following:

1) A/C registration information (8050-1) FAA Aircraft Registry (Include check)
2) Bill of Sale (8050-2) FAA Aircraft Registry
3) Affadavit of Ownership (8050-88) FAA Aircraft Registry
4) App for Airworthiness (8130-6) DAR
5) Eligibility Statement (8130-12) DAR
6) Program Letter DAR
7) Airman Certification Application (8610-2) FSDO (after certification)

7A Finishing
See above!
Make your application for registration right away. I started the process Feb. 2005, about 2 months before I thought I'd be done. It took until June 2005, to get it registered.

That involved 4 round-trips of the docs to and from the FAA. Each round took about 4 weeks. In my case, the local FSDO agreed to inspect it for the Airworthiness Certificate, but wouldn't proceed until the plane was officially registered.

My advise, call the EAA or AOPA before your first submittal for their guidance on the FAA accepted entries on the registration forms. Hopefully, you can do it right the first time. And, register it early so it won't delay your airworthiness inspection.
Make your application for registration right away. I started the process Feb. 2005, about 2 months before I thought I'd be done. It took until June 2005, to get it registered.

That involved 4 round-trips of the docs to and from the FAA. Each round took about 4 weeks. In my case, the local FSDO agreed to inspect it for the Airworthiness Certificate, but wouldn't proceed until the plane was officially registered.

My advise, call the EAA or AOPA before your first submittal for their guidance on the FAA accepted entries on the registration forms. Hopefully, you can do it right the first time. And, register it early so it won't delay your airworthiness inspection.

The FAA has speeded up since 2005. Last year, it only took me about 2 weeks. It was posted on the FAA internet site, before that. I did go the EAA checklist route, and everything went correctly the first time.

Like Larry says, if you have everything right the first time, it generally takes about 2 weeks.
Registration Rant

Okay, this isn't going to answer your original question. I just want to rant. So, if your looking for the answer to post #1, move on.

I started my process last Monday, by first calling the Wichita, Ks FSDO for the registration kit that the FSDOs send out. The lady said, "Just a minute... ... ... Well, I guess I just can't help you right now."
"When can you?"
"I'm not real sure."
"I'm sorry?"
"Well, we're busy all through March doing aircraft inspections."
"Oh, I don't need an inspection, I just need the registration package."
"Yes, I know, but it won't be until the end of March until we can prepare the packages."
"Are you serious? You're not going to assemble packages in the office until the field inspections are complete?"
"Well, yes."
"So, if the inspections never end, the packages will never be assembled. Is that correct."
"Well, it could be a while?"

Anybody out there feel my pain??? Hmmmmmm? I know, that's what I get for living in Kansas!! But, being resourceful, I send a credit cards worth of thirteen dollars plus handling to the EAA for THERE package.

I get this email: "The item (E06830-Amateur Built Certification Kit) you have requested is temporarily out of stock." There was nothing about when they expect it so I replied to the email (it wasn't an "auto response"). But of course its only been three days so I'm sure I will hear from them just real soon.
Heck, I haven't even started the Oklahoma City nightmare.
I simply can't wait for the government to take full control of health care!!!!!
Re: Rant!

Wow! There's some issues going on with you and Kansas!

OK, if you want to get your documents rolling, here's how to do it fast and easy. This is the entire process that I followed and I was done in less than a week!

1) Go to the Kansas City FSDO website here ...
http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/ict/contact/ , find the link to "email the office" or "submit customer feedback" and simply request that they send you a hard copy of 8050-1. (You can't use a copy - it must be the original/in triplicate with carbon paper attached). Include your name and address. It will show up in the mail!
2) Call Van's, let them know you are preparing to register your airplane - They will ask for your builder number and what name/names/corporation you want on the certificate of ownership. Names are important because your registration is going to show exactly what you tell Van's to put on the Certificate of Ownership. They know exactly what you need to make the FAA happy. I think they've done this about 6000 times! They will prepare and mail it to you free of charge.
3) Download 8050-88 from here...
http://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/media/8050-88.pdf , fill it out and have it notarized.
4) If you've reserved an N-number, make a photocopy of the letter the FAA sent you with your reserved N-number.
4 1/2) Include a check for $5.
5) Write up a nice letter to the FAA stating that you want your plane registered, include the items above, Send it to

FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, AFS-750
P.O. Box 25504
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0504

and you're in business!

BTW - make sure that you read the fine print when you fill out the 8050-1 (the carbon paper triplicate form. The biggest reason for the registration process taking too long is that EVERYONE forgets to PRINT their name in the same block that they SIGN their name!

Good luck!
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Thanks all.

I had a couple of other questions:

1) What have people been entering in the $ amount on the Bill of Sale from Van's? Does it matter for kit built aircraft (do I leave it blank)?
2) I noticed that Van's put "Rv-7A" as manufacturer and model, while my dataplate says "Van's RV-7A". Is that going to be a problem?
3) Items 1-3 above...what address do I send the FAA Registry docs to? On 2nd read, I guess it is the OK city address Dakotahawk references?

THanks in advance.
AIC Title

Use AIC title in OK and you will have your Registration in less than a week. They had my temporary registration letter in 2 days and I got the actual card in the mail a week later. It cost me $130 total. Done deal.
1) What have people been entering in the $ amount on the Bill of Sale from Van's? Does it matter for kit built aircraft (do I leave it blank)?
2) I noticed that Van's put "Rv-7A" as manufacturer and model, while my dataplate says "Van's RV-7A". Is that going to be a problem?

1) Whatever $ amount you enter here is between you and your tax man.

2) This will be between you and registration. BUT your dataplate MUST match EXACTLY what ends up on the registration.
Don't forget!!!

to print your name in the same block that you sign (FAA Form 8050-1)! Your forms will be returned for correction if you neglect to fill them in correctly.
Thanks All. Would be interested in any feedback on dollar amounts placed on the bill of sales...PM would be fine and kept in confidence if desired. I'm not sure to put my kit cost, estimated Van's purchase amount, estimated value, or other.


2) So the dataplate and the registration matching is what is of chief concern? Everything matches right now except my bill of sale from Vans...it just says "RV-7A" instead of "Van's RV-7A". Not sure if that is a problem or not.

Thanks All. Would be interested in any feedback on dollar amounts placed on the bill of sales...PM would be fine and kept in confidence if desired. I'm not sure to put my kit cost, estimated Van's purchase amount, estimated value, or other.


2) So the dataplate and the registration matching is what is of chief concern? Everything matches right now except my bill of sale from Vans...it just says "RV-7A" instead of "Van's RV-7A". Not sure if that is a problem or not.


You can leave the dollar amount blank. The FAA doesn't care.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

2) So the dataplate and the registration matching is what is of chief concern? Everything matches right now except my bill of sale from Vans...it just says "RV-7A" instead of "Van's RV-7A". Not sure if that is a problem or not.

Once you have your registration, the bill of sale is no longer needed for anything FAA wise.
When presented for Airworthiness Inspection, the make (builder), model and serial number must be exactly the same on the registration, airworthiness application (8130-6) and dataplate.
The aircraft cannot be signed off without this match.
The aircraft cannot be signed off without this match.

The data-plate engraver convinced me to put my first name first, as the manufacturer, although the registration had my last name first. And yes, the DAR made me get a new data plate... :)

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I also attempted to order the EAA kit to register my RV-8 but received the message that there was no stock. Guess I'll have to try the FSDO --- Orlando Fl in this case and see if they have the docs. Unfortunate that one must have an original with carbon paper. The FAA must be the last market left for the carbon paper manufacturers!
Sorry Mel...two more questions:

1) My data plate (already engraved) states "Van's RV-7A" for the Model. I have a minimum 3-line dataplate with Builder (my name), Model (Van's RV-7A), and Serial Number. Can I put "Van's RV-7A" under the "Aircraft Manufacturer & Model" field on the 8050-1 form to make them match? I know that traditionally the 8050-1 states "<Builder Name> RV-7A" in that field. For what it is worth, I know that Van's just put "RV-7A" as the Aircraft Manufacturer & Model on the Bill of Sale (although I understand that does not matter).
2) If the middle initial is included under the name, must it also be included in all signatures?

1) My data plate (already engraved) states "Van's RV-7A" for the Model. I have a minimum 3-line dataplate with Builder (my name), Model (Van's RV-7A), and Serial Number. Can I put "Van's RV-7A" under the "Aircraft Manufacturer & Model" field on the 8050-1 form to make them match? I know that traditionally the 8050-1 states "<Builder Name> RV-7A" in that field. For what it is worth, I know that Van's just put "RV-7A" as the Aircraft Manufacturer & Model on the Bill of Sale (although I understand that does not matter). Manufacturer & model means "Builder's name & model". If you just put "Van's RV-7A" in this block, registration will assume that Van's is the manufacturer. The builder's name must be in this block along with your designation of model. In your case, you would use your name & Van's RV-7A.
2) If the middle initial is included under the name, must it also be included in all signatures? When you fill out the 8130-6, your name must be a match to the registration. Note that there are 3 places on the 8130-6 for name. One is the builder (section I, block 2). The second is owner (section III, block A). These may be different from each other, but both must match the registration. Third is applicant (section III, block D). This should match the owner block.
Added words to comply with stupid rule.
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