Is it based on the date on the airworthiness certificate, or something else?

I believe its within twelve months of when you signed the conditional that you did for the airworthiness certificate. What's the date in the log book? Are they different or the same?

Annual condition inspection is due on the last day of the 12th month after either the airworthiness certificate was issued or the last condition inspection was signed off.
i.e. If the airworthiness or last condition inspection was 6/2/2012, the next condition inspection will be due on 6/30/2013.
Mel - I'm assuming you can do your Annual at any time, and then do your 12 month countdown from there. Specifically, due to weather, I want to move my Annual out of the winter and plan to do my first one early, while it's still warm.

Bob Bogash
No problem at all. Just don't fly the aircraft if it is beyond the 12 month period.

Normally I start mine toward the end of the month, finishing it up the first of the following month. This effectively gives me 13 months.