
Well Known Member
This is my first post with VAF. I've followed the site for the last year and have completed the tail feathers. As I'm getting ready to start the wings, I'm not sure how set in concrete my plans for lighting, antennae, AHRS units, wiring, coax should be before I get deep in the middle of wing fabrication. Any input.

I have found everyone's input very useful and will continue to use VAF as a strong resource for help.
As long as the bottom skins aren't riveted on, you will be able to do just about anything you want to make facilities for wiring.
On my RV6, I installed a PVC pipe for the length of the wing. In my case, I drilled a suitable size hole in each rib and then slid the pipe into the wing. Then I got a connector and cut it into two rings that would slide over each end of the pipe and glued these on to hold it steady in the wing. When I sold my RV6, it had about 900 hrs on it with never a problem with this set up.
Some folks just lay the pipe in the lightening holes and use a tie wrap on several ribs to hold it stationary.
I used 1/2" pipe and it accommodated landing light, position light and strobe wires with no problem. It would have been able to hold more. In fact, I left a string in the pipe so I could pull more wire in if I ever needed to.
You could also use snap in bushings in the ribs, but it would be more difficult to work on the wire after completion, if you ever needed to. (If you were going to go to the trouble to drill holes in each rib for the bushings, I'd recommend just putting in a conduit.
I am almost finished with the wings and have not yet made the final decision as to lighting. Since the last thing done on the wings is the bottom skins, you will have great access to do what ever you decide up until almost the last minute. I did enlarged the machining holes in ribs to allow for the flex conduit to be installed. This way I can still close up the wings and decide on lighting and antennas later. Remember that the QB wings arrive with only the bottom kins lift to be installed and people have been able to install autopilots, levelers, pitot, etc.

Happy building