
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I'm not sure how long I've had this particular hose in the shop, but I bet I bought it at Builder's Square - that should date it a bit....what, 15 years or so? Interestingly enough, this had no external leaks (yet), but clearly it was leaking from an end fitting into the outer jacket.


Something to remember if you're plumbing your shop and considering burying flexible air hose anywhere - they don't last forever!

(Oh yeah - this one has been retired!)
I find you can wrap these guys in duct tape and get a couple more months out of them :rolleyes:
A little pool, anyone?

I'm thinking you should start a pool for when that sucker's gonna blow, Paul.

I figure that it's liable to explode just about the time you're doing something really delicate, like cutting the canopy. What's your next touchy project and when are you planning to start? :D
It's a new FAA medical test.

If it goes "BANG" behind your back and you don't drop dead, you're good for LSA.
yes Paul---retire it!

BUT---be careful of the inexpensive ones you can get at a major home improvement warehouse ------ask me how I know ----- after 3 months of use!

No----I'm not using teflon for my shop hoses--
At least it will leak only air. I had a water hose connected to my washing machine inside the house that looked like that.
I don't get it.......

What seems to be the problem?
Don't they all look like that?
After months of fighting with a stiff air hose in a cold climate, I broke down and bought a good quality one.
Boy what a difference! It just lies where I put it. Unbelievable.
One morning I was first at the shop I was running. While making coffee in the back room I heard heard this faint whack-clunk-whack noise. When I hunted it down in the hangar, I found a Cessna in the corner near an airhose that had blown its end fitting off. That hose had been whipping around and beating that Cessna all night. Poor thing. Big turbine compressor couldn't care less, just kept whaling away.