Rob Rickards

Active Member
As you all know everybody always asks when will it fly? My answer always was...
16 Sept 2016. Ok why so specific? My 60th birthday of course.
Well one year later on my 61st birthday the stars aligned. After a frustrating delay of two weeks due work , weather and a bad head cold my RV7 took to the air.
The first takeoff was so quick and short!
"Kamina" flew dead straight , everything worked and an hour of circles over the field flashed by, with a small skip on landing. Had a good look around and Took her up for another 20 mins. More today.
Thanks to Doug and all on VAF for the incredible resources.
Engine is an Aerosport IO 360.
6 year build.
Pics here
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G'day Rob,

Happy Birthday - and congratulations for both milestones. Your aircraft looks superb.

Best regards,
Congratulations Rob.
That is one very nice RV.
Where in Melbourne is the aircraft based?
Congratulations on your first flight!

Congratulations! That is one beautiful airplane you have there.

Wishing you many decades of flying enjoyment!

Kindest regards always,
Made front page Honored!

Wow front page first up. Rv grin even bigger now.
Thanks everybody for the comments. Much appreciated.
Met a few of you in 2015 at Oshkosh vans dinner.
Great community cheers!
I set a similar goal when I started building my RV-8; I wanted it flying by my 60th birthday, which was in July of this year. Knew early on that was unrealistic; it became "flying while I was still 60", which gave me another year. Now that I'm well into the build, I realize that that also may be unrealistic. My new goal is to at least have the painted aircraft at my hangar by next summer. We'll see. Congratualtions, Rob... she is indeed a beauty!

Nice looking bird, mine is an 8 year build and I get the same question. It was supposed to get in the air this year but alas a Rocky Mountain horse came into my life!

Great looking airplane enjoy!