Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I just got this message-------although it is specifically targeted at AOPA members in each Senators district, the more calls the better.

Here is a link to the Committee's site, with contact info.


You can click on "Profiles" at the left, for info on each member.

Please take a few minutes, and let the folks in Sacto know your feelings on this.


Special Notice from AOPA President Phil Boyer March 27, 2008

Please call immediately your state senator who is a member of the Senate Committee on Local Government and urge them to Vote Yes on Senate Bill 1118. This legislation, introduced by Committee Chair Gloria Negrete McLeod, provides needed protections for our general aviation airports.

This bill is scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, April 2, at 9:30 a.m. A vote is likely to occur at the end of the hearing. You are among a select group of members to receive this call to action because your state senator sits on this important committee and your call is vital to pass S.B. 1118.

Please call and politely urge your senator:

To vote YES on S.B. 1118 to protect California airports.
California?s community airports are vital to the state?s economy and transportation system, and must be protected.
Good airport land use protects the safety of the general public and the quality of life in nearby communities.
California?s Airport Land Use Commissions were originally created ?to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by ensuring the orderly expansion of airports and the adoption of land use measures that minimize the public?s exposure to excessive noise and safety hazards within areas around public airports to the extent that these areas are not already devoted to incompatible uses.?

S.B. 1118 would strengthen this law to provide for consistent zoning processes for general aviation airports across California. AOPA has been working with legislators for over three years toward the introduction of this bill.

Senator: David Cox
Capitol phone: (916) 651-4001

Your fellow pilots are counting on you to make this call now. We are only asking a limited number of AOPA members to take this action because their senator sits on this important committee.

Thank you for your support,
Phil Boyer
AOPA President

P.S. If you are able to contact your legislator, please let us know by e-mailing us at [email protected].
I am in Senator Cox's district - I just called him

I just spoke with a person in his office and requested that he vote in favor of SB1118.

It was very easy to do. It took about 2 minutes to give them my name, address, the bill #, and why I wanted him to vote for it.