
Well Known Member
Construction Time lapse

Wings are done, here is a time lapse of the right wing construction. Unfortunately I only started taking these at this point but I'm pretty happy with them. I have since added a camera from the opposite wall also, lets see how that goes...
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Camera setup is a Dlink and a foscam set to take a pic every minute and save it to an ftp site. I then go and manually delete days where I am not working (as noted in my log) and clear up any dead time.

ffmpeg is used to create a video out of the images, and then create pip videos.
Cameras run 24/7 and save pictures once per minute to an ftp site. No need to turn on/off.
Catching up on video edits & uploads. Caught up all the way to November 2016 now:

You can see the build all the way through the miserable canopy cut/glue, and just starting on avionics and electrical. Fuselage is now mostly complete, finish kit mostly done. November videos will include most of the installation of the G3X system, and December should include engine mounting.
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Great videos - took me back to when I was steadily building. Working toward first flight now.
Watched the 201612 one. I like all the breaks on the couch to check on your phone.