TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
All---We're coming to the end of another year, so I thought I'd give some updates.
First----we want to thank all of VAF and those that read it for their business in 2018. This year saw some pretty major changes in not only our business, but that of our partner company Aircraft Specialty. Together, Steve and I set up a 3rd production facility to better service our clients. More changes, and integration are planned for 2019.

WE want to thank Doug and Susie for having a great forum. Not only for reference, but for people to communicate. Thanks guys!

To those builders of other planes that utilize VAF, thank you for your insights, help, and knowledge.

On a personal note, its been a tough year. As many of you know, my wife Suzanne was diagnosed with Stage 4 MBC Breast Cancer in late January of 2018. Very aggressive. She's been undergoing various treatments since then in hopes that we can stop it. Alot of my attention has been directed at her care and treatment. Because of that, some of your orders may have been delayed alittle bit. Under the circumstances, I think you understand.

A shout out to my partner Steve Tschurwald at Aircraft Specialty. Steve has been there throughout all of the trials and tribulations of this year, and stepping up to either help, or in alot of cases, take over things that had to be done so I could concentrate on Suzanne. One can not ask for a better business partner, or friend. Thanks Steve.

VAF is a wonderful medium for interaction. We think of it as a place for talking about Vans Aircraft Products, but its alot more than that. This year has taught me that. MANY of you are in the medical profession, and some more specifically in the Onocology field. Too many many names to put here, and out of respect for your privacy, I wont name names. BUT, when word got out about her fight, we received emails, phone calls, cards, and offers of help from all over the world that quite frankly, got me quite emotional. To all of you, our heartfelt appreciation for all of your thoughts and advice.

I dont know of a place where Doctors, Attorneys, business owners, military, and us normal folks can get together, and talk or ask questions and get answers from some of the smartest people on the planet. That happens right here every day. VAF has so much to offer, not only for the assistance in building your project, but the friendships that evolve from this. Those friendships last a lifetime.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas, and a safe, healthy, prosperous New Year.

Tom and Suzanne