
I'm New Here
I’m not the builder of my RV6A. I would like some opinions on the time required in installing the Echo UAT SkyFix in my a/c as a non builder.

Thank you all in advance,

If starting by opening box.... reading, determination of power access, antenna placement both ADSB and GPS per documentation , tools in hand, all needed supplies,..... couple hours, theN another 3 to physically install , another hour to setup via app, another hour to fly for FAA verification ..... 6 hours or so if all goes perfect and you have easy access to everything needed. Good luck.... fun project for new owner non builder.
I agree with the previous responses. It's all about planning and understanding. Pretty straight forward installation and I suppose the 6 to 10 hour range depending on whether or not there is much bracket or shelf fabrication. Just put the time in on the front end to read the documentation and understand it.

The Echo /SkyFX-EXT Ex is an awesome combination that performs well with both in and out.
I just did this a couple weekends ago, took about 7 hours including a trip to the aviation aisle at Menards & DQ for lunch. during this time I also did a couple other projects on the plane that probably added an hour or two; I'd say if you had everything you needed and a plan in your head it's probably more like 4 hours.
Thanks every one for your input.
I Contacted our local avionics shop at the airport. He quoted me 15 hours @ $105 an hour.
Ouch !!
I installed one and it was about 4 hours total from opening the box to fully configured. The hardest part was routing the antenna lead through the fuselage.

Worked first time out too.

Good luck!