
Hi All,
Does anyone have a picture of a Thunderbolt engine with the color combo Black case with Red cylinders? I have scoured the web with no luck. Plenty of pictures of Red cases with black cylinders but not the other way around.
Plenty of pictures of Red cases with black cylinders but not the other way around.

There is a reason for that.

I would strongly recommend painting the block in light colors. Some day you are likely to have an oil leak. I couldn't imagine trying to find the source of an oil leak on a black case. This is an area where maintainability should come before cosemetics. no one see's it anyways. Lyc's are well known for sprouting small leaks and seepage.

I painted mine light blue and this has helped me find two small leaks that were identified by tracing the very light oil marks across the block. Red should work just as well.

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There is a reason for that.

I would strongly recommend painting the block in light colors. Some day you are likely to have an oil leak. I couldn't imagine trying to find the source of an oil leak on a black case. This is an area where maintainability should come before cosemetics. no one see's it anyways. Lyc's are well known for sprouting small leaks and seepage.

I painted mine light blue and this has helped me find two small leaks that were identified by tracing the very light oil marks across the block. Red should work just as well.


Good point Larry.
I have mine the other combination (red block and black cylinder) and I think it looks great. Of course now that I have this color combination and no chance in changing it, I think I would have said it look great if it was hot pink but really, it looks awesome.
I've never seen the value of paying extra for pretty colors on an area that almost nobody will ever see. That said, relatively lighter case colors (such as, for example, Lycoming gray) make the most sense for the reason stated.