Just got a airport memo, The Thunderbirds will attend and perform at Sun-N-Fun this year. It has been several years since they have been at Sun-N-Fun and it should be a good show. You can check the Sun-N-Fun site for the show schedule. It may not be up yet....but I am sure it will be soon.

Lakeland, FL
What would really interest me

I have watched the thunderbirds and Blue Angels since they flew F-84s and straight wing F9Fs but the only thing I can think of that would attract me back to Sun-n-Fun would be the Sun 100 air race that was cancelled in 2005.

Bob Axsom
Friend flies #7

I saw them a few years ago, but I would love to see them again, especially since a friend of mine, Rob Skelton, flyes the #7 plane.
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