
Well Known Member
Every once in a while, you come across a piece of equipment that works so flawlessly that you never give a thought to how nice it is. After 175 hours of flight time, I recently realized that my PS Engineering intercom is just such a device. I thought I'd share my experience with the group.

My wife and I were recently flying in the Cessna 140, with it's Garmin SL-40 and integral intercom. After chatting for a while, she asked me what was wrong with the intercom - it seemed to be clipping our voices, and we had to practically shout at each other in order to activate the intercom. After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that nothing was wrong at all; she was just noticing the difference between the Cessna's intercom and the PMA5000EX in our RV. Until she pointed it out, I hadn't given it a thought.

Since completing the RV last summer, I've tinkered with most components in the panel multiple times to get everything working just so. But I've literally done nothing at all with the 5000EX - it just worked perfectly from the start. It's wired for PFD annunciation inputs, two nav/coms, music input, and XM radio, and everything has worked flawlessly from day one. No buzzing, no clipping, just clear audio. The intercom is superb, and a normal speaking voice is all that's required to activate it.

Most of the aircraft I've flown over the years have cheap, neglected audio panels or portable intercoms, and I've consistently found them to be a source of frustration. I haven't used the modern Garmin audio panels, so I can't make a comparison there, but for anyone choosing an audio panel for their RV, I think it's worth giving PS Engineering serious consideration.

I hope nobody minds the shameless plug - I don't work for PS Engineering, and this is not an advertisement. I just like sharing my good experiences when I find something I'm really happy with.

Hehehe... My RV-6 came with only the SL-40's built-in intercom too. One of the first things I did after I bought the plane a couple months ago was install a PM-3000 stereo intercom. Could not have tolerated the sound of the SL-40 intercom for my first trip to Oshkosh in it. Once you've had a PS Engineering intercom, you just can't settle for less afterwards. It's kinda like going from a Cherokee or 172 to an RV.
I was going with the 500EX

But since Dynon couldn't come up with a COM in time, I went with the PAR100EX with its built in COM. I hope I will be able to be as positive about its performance, too. The built in COM gave me just enough room!
You get what you pay for. The SL-40/30 built in intercom is "free", and universally held in poor regard.
PS makes the best, and also charges the most.
The Garmin panels I've flown behind were not quite as good (especially with music) but also were not quite as expensive.
Your money, your choice.
Ditton on the 5000 EX

Yeah I have one also, works flawlessly, seldom ever have to touch it, VOX is about as good as I could possibly be.
Love it, good bang for the buck.
Thanks for the Pirep.....

Mine is ready to put in the panel and it's good to hear I made a good choice. :)
Not only is the hardware good stuff, but Mark and his employees are awesome people as well....

I'm on my second PS Engineering intercom and both are/were flawless, in my previous -6A and now the -10.:)

The good stuff,