
Active Member
Having worked on PCs for the last 25 years I have learned to hate the little screws that are used to fasten db connectors to the back of computers. Fortunately, most cable manufacturers have gone to using thumb screws so a screw driver is not required. Until GRT, Trutrak, and others!! :(

After two false starts I have finally found a supplier and the thumb screw that will fit most all the plastic db hoods provided by GRT, Trutrak, and others. (By the way, Approach Systems uses hoods with very nice thumb screws. :))

You may not care BUT IF YOU DO here is the link to the part. 50 of them will cost you 12.50 plus frt. ($6.10) and tax ($1.07) to 35010.

Allied Electronics, Inc. Stock No. is 810-0009. Link to page follows:

RV7 Wiring/Plumbing
Eggenfellner Subaru E6T on firewall
N808AF reserved
Your timing could not have been better! After roughing in my wiring over the last few weeks I realized that I had three choices on my panel, deal with very long cables, a very short screw driver or find thumb screws!

Its not the screws that are the problem...

...its the idiots that think they need to torque them to a million lbs.... :(
Even so, I'd still go with thumb screws given the choice:p
If you are connecting two DB9 connectors together, try using small zip ties to make a cross across the "shells". No need for screws of any type.
Do both

If you are connecting two DB9 connectors together, try using small zip ties to make a cross across the "shells". No need for screws of any type.

I too hate the little screws, but I figure that I only have a few to deal with and unlike a computer, don't plan to dismantle every now and then.

I will use 2 wire tires as added insurance. Thanks for the ideal.