
Active Member
It's been a couple years since I have been to Oshkosh and knowing I won't finish my plane this year I'm looking for an empty seat.
- I live in Mesa AZ
-Willing to pay 1/2 for the liquid gold
Dan Billingsley
one more try

A little surprised that there have been no takers. no one from CA or AZ? I would be willing to drive to a neighboring state also. I'm in AZ
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Right now it looks like my wife is going. If that changes, I may have an extra seat.

Albuquerque, NM
Getting there

Thanks Steve...I have been offerd a share in a dorm room. A good idea was suggested that I offer to pay a little more than half fuel especially if someone was to fly in to Mesa and pick me up. If this sweetens the pot for anyone I would be happy to.
Thanks in advance,

Dan- Flagstaff- we have "many planes inbound" to OSH this year.
too early to plan for us though. We usualy think about it 4-6 days prior to departure.....:D