Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
I've made good progress on my electrical system over the past few weeks. I have a much of the wiring finished.

Today, I wired up the master and after a good amount of rechecking the wiring got up the courage to through the switch. No fuses installed so all I was hoping for was for the battery contactor to engage.

I threw the master, heard a simultaneous click from the firewall...wait a few seconds, no smoke, no fumes. Yea! Another milestone.

Way to go, Michael ..

... that's a big moment. I recall clearly how elated I was when the smoke stayed inside the wires. Not being a wiring or electronics wizard, I will admit to being a tad fearful prior to that first throwing of the switch. :eek:
Build on, dude ... that's a good confidence builder!
I was also amazed when the electrical system fired up as advertised. However, don't get too confident. I had later tidied away cables so that I could fit the cowl and the ALT AIR had ended up against the shunt. Fired up the master switch - big bang and flash!! It was like someone had cut the cable with a laser. Fortunately no damage done and the break was far enough down to be able to use the cable.

So, EVERY time you put the Master Switch on when you haven't finished the wiring, make sure you don't have a short.......
It lives! Now you just have to remember to treat it with a little more respect, as she can be "live" at any time.
It works

Had that same great moment last month. Master solenoid is aft so my click was back and muted, but everything seems to work fine and the starter actuates normally. Good news. Will try to avoid shorting something in the future!