
I know many of you live with your RV so I am hoping that some of you may have personal experience or information about Through The Fence Agreements at public airports that you would be willing to share. I am currently going through the process and would like to know what others have agreed to, specifically those that had preexisting TTF agreements at their airport. How much do you pay and what is it based on? What did rights did you give up? Did anybody successfully fight it? Anything would be helpful. If you don't want to post specifics in the forum please feel free to PM me with any info or contact information.


I have.

I bought a couple of acres adjoining the airport about 15 years ago, after I met with our City council and informed them of my intent. There was already another private hangar that had 'through-the-fence access, so I held the upper hand :)

They put in a paved taxiway to my hangar and we agreed on $250 a year for runway access.

Two years ago they decided to fence the airport all the way around and I was going to be fenced OUT! So I offered them the land that my hangar was on for a dollar. They said that that would complicate the issue after my death. I then decided to offer them the hangar and land to include me inside the fence.

They agreed to that and the sale was made and I'm inside the fence. I now pay $400 a month rent but have no property taxes so all in all, a pretty fair deal.

At the closing, my attorney said that I have done my wife a big favor because upon my death, all she'll need to do is have a big auction to get rid of the Air Tractors and RV-10, after my will has been fulfilled as to my children and what they're left. In a small 2800 person town, there aren't many hangar buyers anyway, so it all turned out well.


BTW, the FAA does not like TTF operations at all. I had discussed this with them, since the city refused to allow me to build on the airport property.

They said that it's done in many places and you pay rent to the city for the use of the land. You may also have to show in your will, that they have the right to first refusal upon your death....another alternative. The city maintained that you cannot build a private building on city owned property but that's not can and just 24 miles from here there are around a dozen privately owned hangars in Sandersville, Ga.

Through The Fence

The property that I own has had Through The Fence access for almost 20 years. No fees were charged and all we had to do is keep the gate and taxiway maintained.
Now they want us to sign a new agreement. For the airport access fee, they want to charge us a fee that is based on the square footage of our hangars. The fee will be the same price per square foot that hangar owners inside the fence pay for the lease on the land that their hangar sits on. Is this a normal way to set an access fee for TTF users?
they want to charge us a fee that is based on the square footage of our hangars. The fee will be the same price per square foot that hangar owners inside the fence pay for the lease on the land that their hangar sits on. Is this a normal way to set an access fee for TTF users?

While I have absolutely no experience with this, I do have an opinion (doesn't everyone?), and this seems like an equitable and fair approach to me.
The property that I own has had Through The Fence access for almost 20 years. No fees were charged and all we had to do is keep the gate and taxiway maintained.
Now they want us to sign a new agreement. For the airport access fee, they want to charge us a fee that is based on the square footage of our hangars. The fee will be the same price per square foot that hangar owners inside the fence pay for the lease on the land that their hangar sits on. Is this a normal way to set an access fee for TTF users?

The airport I hanger at is owned by the city. There are a few very old privately owned hangers. Their monthly land lease is almost as much as the monthly rent on the very nice, and fairly new, city owned hangers.
TTF Revisited

While I have absolutely no experience with this, I do have an opinion (doesn't everyone?), and this seems like an equitable and fair approach to me.

You certainly are entitled to your opinion. I certainly have no problem paying my fair share. I am interested in learning what others have agreed to in other TTF agreements.

My opinion is that "airport access charges" should be similar for everyone using the airport. At our airport there are users(pilots and aircraft owners) that are not paying anything. Also, there are no tie down fees so if you want to keep your plane outside you pay nothing. Your access is free. There is also a parcel that would be included in this TTF agreement that has no hangar but does have access to the runway. Does that parcel receive free access because he doesn't have a hangar? My point is that charging by the size of a hangar that is on private property outside the fence doesn't seem like a fair or equitable way to levee an access charge to enter the airport. Maybe a fee that each local pilot user and aircraft owner would be more fair? That would certainly be more equitable than having so many ways for users to access and use the airport without paying "airport access charges" that the FAA now requires.
I don't have the lease form in front of me....but when I was on the Airport Board, we got a TTF lease arrangement for recreational dirt strip, Canyon Ferry (8U9) approved for a fellow outside the fence. It was a battle but long story short...

The people outside the fence pay a fee based on the area taken up by the taxiway and gate equal to what a hangar of similar size would pay. So basically anyone who uses that gate would pay the same rate. Actually is pretty cheap, like a $150/yr. The Board only approved 1 common shared gate, and owners must tow their planes onto the field. This was due to the road next to the fence which has the potential for kids on bikes or campers on 4whlrs etc.

A lot of whining on both sides of the issue, but the plane owner also had the right to put in Tiedowns inside the gate.

Sidenote: we had several derelict planes tied down at 8U8 paved ramp. There was no fee, so nobody seemed to care. We added a clause for $50/month long-term tiedown fee and proof of current insurance. Overnighters or short term visitors got a pass. Once the word got spread and we sent a few bills to people, The ramp got cleared of those flat tired hulks.
My opinion is that "airport access charges" should be similar for everyone using the airport. At our airport there are users(pilots and aircraft owners) that are not paying anything. Also, there are no tie down fees so if you want to keep your plane outside you pay nothing..

I have access to a private (never has received any federal funding, but I think the considerations should be the same) airport from my property.
I pay an access fee equiv. to the minimum any other aircraft owner would have to pay to be based at, and use the airport. It is the same as the outdoor tie down space fee.

I don't have the lease form in front of me....but when I was on the Airport Board, we got a TTF lease arrangement for recreational dirt strip, Canyon Ferry (8U9) approved for a fellow outside the fence. It was a battle but long story short...

The people outside the fence pay a fee based on the area taken up by the taxiway and gate equal to what a hangar of similar size would pay. So basically anyone who uses that gate would pay the same rate. Actually is pretty cheap, like a $150/yr. The Board only approved 1 common shared gate, and owners must tow their planes onto the field. This was due to the road next to the fence which has the potential for kids on bikes or campers on 4whlrs etc.

A lot of whining on both sides of the issue, but the plane owner also had the right to put in Tiedowns inside the gate.

Sidenote: we had several derelict planes tied down at 8U8 paved ramp. There was no fee, so nobody seemed to care. We added a clause for $50/month long-term tiedown fee and proof of current insurance. Overnighters or short term visitors got a pass. Once the word got spread and we sent a few bills to people, The ramp got cleared of those flat tired hulks.

This is actually the best solution I have heard so far. It seems more equitable to all parties involved. Thanks for the input!
Same as tie down

Second hand information, but if I remember correctly, the owner of the privately owned, public use airport I'm based at (3M5) told me that he charges his through the fence folks the same as the tie down fee. I think about $60/ month.


What were the limitations in your TTF agreements as to what they could do on their properties? They are telling us that we can't rent hangar space to other aircraft. I guess that is considered a commercial activity and it isn't allowed.
No limits. We only cared about the fence / gate. What someone does on their own property outside the fence is none of our business. But these are private residences.

But I understand that thought process. If someone is running 50 planes through the gate and only paying for a private access it would be cancelled. This is a year to year lease and can be cancelled with proper notice by either party. Abusers would get 86'd
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This is the link to the Independence Airpark homeowners association.

It includes the through the fence agreement with the Oregon Deptartment of Aviation, homeowners association CC&RS, and the bylaws. The ODA agreement is the FAA agreement. The agreement is full of legal mumbo jumbo, look at the CC&RS for the limitations on activities and other requirements.

Independence has about 220 houses on a public airport, 7S5. Google map it, you an see the layout and size. The homeowners associations ( there are two) collect the money for the ODA which charges each lot the same as a yearly tie down on the airport. The Associations are also responsible for all maintenance on the airpark related taxiways.

We pay $210 to the ODA and $200 for maintenance annually as fees. The streets are public, were deeded over to the city. The HOAs own the taxiways up to taxiway A.

Great place to live, extremely active EAA chapter with a annual flyin that includes the Van's homecoming. Over 65 RVs flying out of the airpark and more under construction.