
Well Known Member
I have to re-order a longer cable for my throttle. Van's sent me the 4 footer and I need the 50.5 incher. Same thing on the mixture.

Since I can now go either to vernier or friction - Which one for the throttle?

Both have pros and cons.

If you ever get into formation flying, you see in the book that one of the first things they talk about is 'no vernier throttles'.

my .02,
Can you summarize the reason?

Sure! Formation flying (for the wingmen) is constant throttle movement, and sometimes drastic throttle movement, like in steep turns. The inside guy is at nearly idle and the outside guy has it cobbed. Wingmen throw the throttle around so much, in fact, that they use 10% more fuel than lead. Having to push in a locking vernier button first to release the throttle for moving doesn't cut it from a safety standpoint.

I'll add that I had NO interest in formation when I first started flying the RV. Just kinda happened over time, so you never know...

Example of site posting this requirement: http://www.rvformation.com/swfc/preparation.html

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You'll find that this is another of those love it or hate it things. I've been flying with a vernier throttle for over 15 years and love it. Others hate it.
I've only flown with a verier throttle once, in a Luscombe 8E. I absolutely hated it for take-off but loved it for fine adjustment during cruise. Solved the problem by building an -8. :D

So I guess I'm on both sides of the love/hate argument.

Not advisable and not allowed!

If you are planning on attending any of the fine formation clinics sponsored by FFI, be advised that vernier throttles are not allowed. It is not a matter of personnal choice, but a matter of safety.
Just a little add to what DR said. For form work, being able to have your index finger on the friction lock or the panel (as a base), and move the throttle with your palm (that's one method anyway), gives you a nice solid feel that allows small corrections. With the vernier, having to squeeze the button and work the throttle with your fingers and thumb seems to be less solid, may lead to overcontrolling the power, and probably would get your fingers tired and sore pretty quickly. As Doug said, it's a million little corrections. Also, the vernier would probably prevent making a quick, large correction just when you need too as well (to prevent too much closure or if you need to bail out).

Just some thoughts to add to the discussion! I'm sure the Team RV bubbas could 'splain it mo betta!

from a "team rv bubba", DR., Smokey and others are correct. Its for safety in terms of formation. Inflight experiences are really bad with vernier throttles. Hence the RV formation community has banned em.
One other tidbit ...

Ditto all that has been said about banned for safety in formation flights.

**IF** you can get one of the "old style" verniers that Van's used to sell (it looks like the trim, not like the prop and mixture controls), and *later* decide you want to do formation, that style I know can be easily converted to NON VERNIER as I (and others) have done it.

Having tried formation with a vernier a couple of times many years ago, you DEFINITELY don't even want to TRY it!!

Just FYI ...

**IF** you can get one of the "old style" verniers that Van's used to sell (it looks like the trim, not like the prop and mixture controls), and *later* decide you want to do formation, that style I know can be easily converted to NON VERNIER as I (and others) have done it.

How can we tell if the cable has been modified?

The cable in our bird is obviously of the Vernier setup, but I am able to adjust throttle without the need for pushing the button on the end..

Just wondering if ours has been modified.. Our throttle cable and manual trim cables appear to be the exact same model...
I love

the viener throttle. Put one in my 7A with the superior engine.

When I flew a bonanza, it had viener throttle.

I do not fly formation and like to fine tune for performance.

I have Van's straight throttle in spare parts if anone wants to buy it.