
Well Known Member
We're assembling a previously flying RV-6. The throttle cable travel is 2 inches; full travel of the throttle arm requires 2 1/8 inches. Carb is a Precision MA-4-5 installed on an O-360; throttle cable is marked ACS Products Co., A-800BL0445-V. Possible solutions are finding a throttle cable with longer travel or drilling the throttle arm closer to the pivot.

Anybody been there and done that? Any other ideas will be welcome.

Thanks, David
If there is room just drill a new hole in the arm as you suggested. There are quite a few different arm configurations. Short, long, straight, offset. You should be able to get it to work without changing cables. Your local a/p probably has a drawer full of different arms.

Drill a new my hole, if you can. My MA 4 has three holes and the closest has a travel well under 2". Therefore, there are arms out there that will work.

If you can change the orientation of the cable to meet the arm at a true perpendicular angle when in mid travel, you may be able to get that last 1/8" of throw. If you drill, you may have to drill so close to the original hole that they become one elongated hole. (not good)

New style.

This has come up a lot in the past 5 years or so. You are correct Van's supplied their cables with a two inch travel till a few years back. There are so many carbs., throttle bodies, F.C.U., ext., out there these days. They have started supply of a longer throw length cable. Don't quote me but, something on the order of 2.25 inches. I would call them and check it out. May save you some work and you would have a new cable to boot..
Yours as always R.E.A. III #80888
Many of us back in the day just drilled a new hole in the arm, it worked just fine. Larry
Keep in mind that a 2" cable really only has that amount of throw when it is straight. Any bends in the cable reduces the amount of travel. There used to be a table for calculating this in the Aircraft Spruce catalog, not sure if it still is.
Definitely a cable problem. I purchased a RV-6A started in 2000 that had a mixture cable w/ only a 2" travel. In Dec, I ordered a replacement from Vans that did the trick. 21/4" travel w/ 2 90deg bends.