
Well Known Member
Hi all:

This may have been discussed long before, but I would like to get some feedback from the RV-7/7A folks. I was sitting in a friends "almost-ready-to-fly" RV-7A yesterday as we did the first engine start (I'll be making the first test flight of this aircraft). In doing an initial control check I noticed that the stick hit the throttle when in the full down to the right position. The builder had not really thought about this ever being an issue (and neither did I), but we are certain that the DAR would not allow this. The solution is to move the throttle/prop/mixture controls further right (a BIG job since the panel is finished) or cut almost 2 inches off the stick. The builder will probably cut the stick. My point is that this is an issue that needs to be considered early in the panel layout process and I was wondering how many others have been "surprised" by this interference issue on a new airplane which was ready for its first flight?
The issue may be even worse - consider that a knee may well be between the stick and the throttle!

Mine does exactly the same thing. I'm going to shorten the sticks, yes throttle and mixture both interfere, to be about 1 1/2" shorter.
For stick length sit in the airplane and rest your forearm on your thigh and grip the stick. You will cut several inches off the stock height of the stick and you will probably find there is no more interference. Don
I had the same experience with my RV7A. I opted to cut the stick off. Don't remember exactly how much I cut (just enought to clear the controls). I have over 100 hours on the plane now and have never had any stability problems with the pitch as I have read about by others who modified their stick length. Jimmy Ayres RV7A-O360

You didn't say if all the control surfaces were installed and connected or not.

"almost-ready-to-fly" means a lot of different things to us builders.

If the controls are not connected, I would wait to cut anything until after they are.

My stick doesn't touch anything and is the standard length. I did cut the stick 1 1/2 inches but only because the stick grip added that 1 1/2 inches back on.
Throttle stick inter...

I love this question. I have 450 hours on my 7A and I do acro often. I have the wood handles Van's sells and I cut the left stick about 1 inch. Yes my stick will touch the panel and yes my stick will touch the throttle. And no I will never ever ever be able to stay in my seat or the airplane for that matter if I should ever put the stick in this position in flight. If you can, call me I would love to watch (from the ground only)
Tad Sargent
I pretty much agree with most everything you said there Tad. As it was also pointed out in the thread, once the controls are connected and rigged it may not be an issue anyway. That's why I'll wait and cut later. The thing I don't agree with Tad is that in normal flight and aerobatics there may not be an issue at all since getting the stick over there with normal airflows and speeds may make it unnecessary to deflect controls that far. I would just hate to find myself low and slow and needing that last little bit of free movement to finish the lipstick job on that pig landing. Reminds of the three things pilots can't use, repeated here for those that don't know or remember them.

1. Gas on the ground.
2. Runway behind you.
3. Altitude above you.
Hi guys:

The controls are hooked up and ready for flight. The builder is planning to cut the sticks which is a little bit of an exercise since his Infinity stick grips are all wired.
+/- 5" stick travel each way!!?

I built a pull-out-tray for flight-plans, approuch plates, etc. in the middle of my panel, just below the throttle, mixturen and prop controls and asked Vans about hitting it with the stick. Ken Scott told me the standard Stick will travel 5 inches each way, at the top. 5 inches will not hit my pull-out- tray, by far, so it should not hit your throttle or mixture!

If you have everything hooked up and it does go past 5 inches from center, I am in trouble!

Regards, Tonny.
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I love this question. I have 450 hours on my 7A and I do acro often. I have the wood handles Van's sells and I cut the left stick about 1 inch. Yes my stick will touch the panel and yes my stick will touch the throttle. And no I will never ever ever be able to stay in my seat or the airplane for that matter if I should ever put the stick in this position in flight. If you can, call me I would love to watch (from the ground only)
Tad Sargent

Yes Tad... my thoughts too the tee. :eek:
Like Bill R., I trimmed quite a bit off my stick tubes, not to shorten the sticks, but so that with my grips (Infinity) installed they will come out effectively the original length. No interference here. I'm wondering if some of the people who have reported the interference issues have either:

1. Installed grips and did not accordingly shorten their stick tubes, and therefore have effectively made their sticks longer than standard.


2. Installed a non-standard instrument panel or throttle handle that created the interference.

There just doesn't seem to be an interference in the stock design, at least in my experience.
