
Legacy Member
Grigson said:
Nice airplane and pix. You're gonna love that throttle quadrant! I've got the same setup in my -6 and it's great. I had to trim the black knobs a bit for full stick deflection.
Aloha. Greg

N520TX said:
I, too, also have that model quadrant in my 7a. An improvment I've been wanting to make is the insertion of some kind of switch contained within the hollowed out area of the power lever that allows me the control of my flaps. That way on approach my right arm will never have to leave the throttle. I've looked around off and on for something that might do the job and fit in there, but still am empty handed. Anyone else have thoughts on this ?

Good questions (and comments)...

I just thought I would move this to its own thread.

In speaking to Dayton (The guy who built the TQ's) I had the same question regarding putting a switch in the end of the throttle. (I hope Dayton chimes in here.)

If I remember right, Dayton has thought about this and every way he came up with had the same issue, putting a wire in there that will be reliable. Meaning, it won't break due to flexing. We talked about milling a slot down the lever and Epoxing the wires in there and some other items, in the end, if you want a reliable TQ, buy Dayton's unit.

When you look at my panel, you will notice the Carb Heat is just to the left of the TQ and on the right, snug against the TQ is the flap breaker, and just to the right of that is the flap switch. I can keep my hand on the TQ, push the carb heat in with my thumb, both levers go forward with the hand, AND toggle the flaps up with my index finger w/o removing my hand from the TQ.

The PTT switch is in the end of the stick.

That set up feels very good when sitting in the plane and should work once I start flying.

Greg, I don't know about the stick deflection thing as when I tested it with the controls hooked up (Yes, I had my -9 fully assembled in the basement. :D), the stick was close but did not interfere with the TQ. That was with the grip on and before I cut the stick down (which I still haven't done.)