
Well Known Member
I've been debating since I started as to which side of the cockpit the throttle quadrant should go. I've read previous threads about how people swear by the left side quadrant. I'm currious why. Everything else I've ever flown, besides a cub and citabria, your left hand is on the yolk, right hand on the throttle. Cessna, Piper, Beachcraft, Luscombe, John Deere tractor :D ... Am I missing something? I tried flying the Luscombe once with my right hand and almost spun it in a turn! Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

All tandem planes I have ever seen have the throttle on the left side. Why tractors have them on the right is a mystery to me as all the tractors I grew up on had right hand throttles.

All the planes you mentioned are SbS seating, thus a central throttle that is accessible to both the pilot and the instructor. My old T-craft was the same way. This made the planes easy to build and lighter while giving both occupants access to all the controls.

Don't worry about mounting the throttle on the left, it will seem natural after a few short flights.

Since you are building the plane you can do what you want, that is the beauty of home building. Just keep in mind, it might make it difficult to sell later on.