
Well Known Member
Since I'm finally tinkering with the engine/FWF stuff, I thought I'd take a look at the engine control cables and attach points. I'm using the standard cheap-o 3 lever quadrant; problem is, I can't seem to find the clevis fittings to attach the cables at the quadrant. I have the bag of rod-end fittings for attachment at the carb/governor, but the clevis' aren't in there... are they included in the kit somewhere or do I have to buy 'em individually? I can't recall seeing them during inventory, but then again, I've been known to lose and forget stuff. I can't even find the inventory list for the FWF kit... oops.

If you find 'em, let me know...I'm still looking. I think that the kit only had three ends, and you need six - I distinctly remember ordering three more from ACS or Van's. Maybe they don't include them in the FWF because, technically speaking, the ends at the throttle quadrant aren't forward of the firewall.... :rolleyes:
