
Well Known Member
I'm trying to decide what throttle quad to use for my RV8. Seems like options are very limited. I'm leaning towards a single lever with vernier cables for prop and mixture separate but not sure. The Vans one seems cheap, ACS has limited supply, used to be Fay Boy company?

Toyed making my own. I'm looking for handle with rocker switch (forward back comm 1 and comm 2) and momentary button for engine start.

Any other ideas?

If I had it to do over again, I'd do what you plan. I've got the "upgraded" throttle quadrant and wish for vernier mixture and prop control.

Find a good throttle you like and go vernier for the rest.
Steve, same here. At this point I'm planning to use the RV-8 rear throttle - a simple ball handle.

But if anybody feels creative, bring back the Fatboy Hogue-style shown in this post in a single lever with ptt and comm flip!

I'm trying to decide what throttle quad to use for my RV8. Seems like options are very limited. I'm leaning towards a single lever with vernier cables for prop and mixture separate but not sure. The Vans one seems cheap, ACS has limited supply, used to be Fay Boy company?

Toyed making my own. I'm looking for handle with rocker switch (forward back comm 1 and comm 2) and momentary button for engine start.

Any other ideas?

Here's what I did:
Vernier Mixture for sure

It is hard to make very fine mixture adjustments with the three lever quadrant mixture lever. If I was to do it again I would definitely use a vernier cable rather than a lever for mixture.
It is hard to make very fine mixture adjustments with the three lever quadrant mixture lever. If I was to do it again I would definitely use a vernier cable rather than a lever for mixture.
Cheers Nige

+1 for sure. Prop lever no problem, but the next one will get a vernier mixture.

As for a big throttle handle with switches, build what you want. You'll never regret time spent to hand-craft a part that makes you smile every time you use it.
...As for a big throttle handle with switches, build what you want. You'll never regret time spent to hand-craft a part that makes you smile every time you use it.

Enthusiasticaly agree. The throttle shown in the earlier link is lightweight, but has a very substantial, "quality" feel to it. Its my opinion that the quality of any significant pilot/vehicle interface point is an important element to the operators overall enjoyment of the flying experience. The time I spent building this throttle was well worth it.
Another unrelated consideration is serviceability. I've had to replace two cables on my RV-8 so far, and with the 3-lever quadrant it's a real pain to do (there's a lot crammed into a small area). With a single throttle lever and push-pull cables for prop and mixture (as shown in post #9) it be much easier.
What you like is what you like.

We have looked at this with a few aircraft we have flown down through the years. I think this is mostly subjective. Personally it came down to two choices for us in the case of our 8. The Van's stock model or the deluxe model.
I found that after taking the stock Van's model all apart, reworking the stops and the friction break that with the longer leavers on that one Vs the deluxe model with the shorter leavers works very well in one hand. It is lighter, cheaper and just as durable. But, again, What you like you should use to your harts content. Just what we did, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
Vernier mixture for sure. If you can build an airplane you can certainly build and then modify, your own two lever quadrant. Or simpler yet another vernier for the prop and a single lever throttle. I have 10 years on my two lever plus vernier mixture and like it better then any of the manufactured ones. I have used the van's unit and a few different aftermarket products but prefer my own. Or maybe it just the personal satisfaction that I prefer!
If you want to go simple but like a different look, use the Vans quadrant and modify it. Paint the mixture knob red and the prop knob blue. You can also engrave M on the mixture knob and fill with white paint, P on the prop knob with same fill. Looks great. I added placards between the gates (black with white text) in the normal military format for the quadrant, and put a red placard on the side for Idle Mixture Cutoff.
You can also change out the throttle knob to something larger, or even put a PTT button in it with a little effort. While "store" bought options are limited, as was pointed out above; you are building it, so have fun and modify to your own needs. The Basic Vans quadrant works...but everything can be improved upon.

I like the vernier control idea a lot actually, but having said that, its really not all that hard to be pretty precise even with the vans mixture lever. Been using it for 600 hours and can pretty much set it with precision. Just go slow. Since I have placards (Throttle, Prop, Mixture) on the top of the three gates, its pretty easy to calibrate the mixture. For instance, I know I need to start leaning around the letters XT in the word MIXTURE and usually end up between the letters R and E. Using my engine monitor to find tune of course, but I can get close just by visual reference. As precise as a vernier? Probably not. But I can literally change temps by a few degrees. So close enough for me.

I have installed a throttle lever, Vernier prop and mixture combination in the -8 completed last October. It works exceptionally well. Great for the constant power changes in formation flying.

Am currently putting together the parts to offer initial install or conversion packages.

I also have a machined bushing to install a push button in the handle of the deluxe throttle lever. It can be used for PTT, Start, or TOGA. For that matter anything you like.
I don't always have luck posting pix in a message but can forward some if you PM me your email. In the mean time I will try to get some on this threat.


I have installed a throttle lever, Vernier prop and mixture combination in the -8 completed last October. It works exceptionally well. Great for the constant power changes in formation flying.

Am currently putting together the parts to offer initial install or conversion packages.

I also have a machined bushing to install a push button in the handle of the deluxe throttle lever. It can be used for PTT, Start, or TOGA. For that matter anything you like.
I don't always have luck posting pix in a message but can forward some if you PM me your email. In the mean time I will try to get some on this threat.

-8 Throttle Quadrant


This is a quick pix of the installed quadrant. With the throttle lever isolated, I rarely use the throttle lock.
throttle Quad

Be sure and sit in the plane before you locate your vernier cables. Some of us have shorter arms than others and you might find the need to loosen your shoulder harness to reach the knobs...ask me how I know.
Throttle PTT

Threads that mention a 2-way PTT for comm 1/2 on the throttle make me happy. I bought my -8 but I'm seriously considering some major renovations to the throttle quadrant just to include the same thing. Anybody who's interested in doing formation flying should seriously consider including that function.