Steve Sampson

Well Known Member
I made up a bracket to take the power control quadrant today. So far its only attached with masking tape. I would really welcome comments from RV4 drivers regarding the way I have orientated it. My major concern is does it stick out too far from the sidewall so that it will cramp my leg. Minor concerns are the height of the controls and the fore and aft location. If you drive a -4 please comment. You can see pictures here .
im 6 foot, rudder pedals in second position and my knees just miss my controls [and there the push controls] its really crucial on everyones individual size in the rv4
Throttle Quadrant

Hi Steve
This is my quadrant mount here I am concern about hitting the controlls with my leg.So I mounted it as close to the side as I could
ok i went and sat in my 4 unless your taller than me 6ft your knee will clear [in a relaxed position] the only thing that may touch is the top of your thigh and the mixture.[relaxed]i also took a picture.
quadrant position


I mounted my quadrant in the same place by sitting in the front seat and trying out different positions. I originally had it mounted higher but decided to move it due to a restricted fit. The position you have should be just fine for you.
Dayton - a query re your picture. Is the part you mounted your (very beautiful) quadrant on somthing you bent up or a standard part from VANS. If the latter what is the part number? Steve.

PS Thanks for the inputs guys. Helpful but I hope there are some more. Its important. The more experience the better.
I have the same quadrant in my RV-4 but mounted it a bit higher and with the top angled toward the center a bit. I don't think you'll have any leg problems. I'm assuming you're going with electric trim because where you've positioned it will interfear with the gargantuan manual flap system. :)
Throttle quadrant


Here is a picture of my throttle quadrant. It is scratch built, and fits very tightly against the sidewall. I am 6'1", and it is well away from my knee.I have FP prop, so no third lever.

Bill E.
Hi Steve,
I am waiting for my finish kit so in the mean time I'm also fooling with the throttle quad. I am going with only throttle and maniford pressure on the quadrant (2 levers) for two reasons. One, I like the vernier style push pull knob for mixture because of the fine adjustment it allows. Two, I'm going with manual trim. I've designed a plan to stack the trim lever behind the quadrant. It's going to be part of the quadrant. I'll post a photo when I finish it this week.

Here is my more accurately facilitate placement I ordered, and just recieved the stock control cables from Van's. If you are planning to anchor the cable on F-402 you might not be able to place the quadrant that far back without some type of extension. In any case, your placement will probably be at the aft most reach of the treads on the rod end (clevis) and the threaded casing. Just thought I'd point that out in case this matters to you. I'm sure someone out there makes a threaded extension. The cables are nearly identical to the control cables in my 18 foot runabout boat. I have also seen builders fabricate a "U" shaped bracket to bring the cable anchor point aft. I hope this helps.

Nice metal bending work.
Brian - thanks for pointing out the issue wrt the length of the cable. I had missed that. I was talked out of going the vernier route but I guess I still could if I rebuilt the quadrant. I worry I will find the mixture hard to accurately adjust.

I can easily move the quadrant forward but until I have some seats to sit on I decided I would have to give up trying to position it more acurately.
Quadrant Mount

I've done something similar to what you have and have placed it in about the same position. The difference is that I used a two levered quadrant straight from Vans that I disassembled and added to a home made cover that looks slightly deeper than the mount that your 3 lever quad attaches to. The entire mechanisim is inside the cover and is something like Bill E.s' but not near as elegant. I also made a third separate lever and mechanism that protrudes from the cover just in front of and below the throttle and mixture levers. It has its own friction control and operates the elevator trim. The description is confusing and I'll try and get a photo soon but it keeps everything in close to the wall so I will be less likely to snag it as I get into the plane. It seems to be positoned well enough and seems to work just fine. However, I have not yet flown it since I'm still building. Good luck.

I look forward to your picture.

I may have to move it closer to the sideskin because I would quite like to provide the rear passenger with a throttle as well as stick (even if no rudder pedals, prop or mixture controls). To do that I would like a straight run through the spar bulkhead for the connecting cable. That will dictate it is tighter in.

Are most folk putting a rear throttle in?