
Active Member
I am stuck between the RV7(8) & RV10. The majority of my fly'n will be by myself or with a buddy and an acrobatic plane would be the ticket. Not to mention its 20K cheaper than a 10.

I have a family to totaling 3, that I would like to haul ocassionally, RV 10 would give more than enought room.

Anyone know if I could modify the RV7 seats to trade baggage for another seat, like use bucket seats instead of a bench seet to allow third person back & center ?

Anyone advice would greatly help, even if it just yes /no. Is it even possible?

No for adults

Having been in my bagage compartment recently for wiring, I can tell you that there is not enough room for anything large. You might be able to get a child set (like used in a car) back there and connect it to something strong.

Definitely No!

I always ask people to 'define their mission profile' when deciding on which model to build. What do you need your plane to do for you?

You have a family of three and plan to 'haul them ocassionally'...Do you plan to fly them cross country or local?

I suggest if the answer is:
Cross country: RV-10
Local: RV-7

For the times you'd like to haul them around locally, and you built an RV-7, RENT :) Good luck! Rosie
Rent the 4 seater

The -10 and -other are different airplanes (Obvious) :eek:

When I fly my two seat RV's, +90% solo and the rest, except for 1% or 2% of the time, I fly with one passenger, because that is all I need. If I need to fly a crowd around I can go rent a C-182.

Now if you really envision flying the wife and child around a lot than the -10 is may be the way to go. However what are you using the plane for, just a travel machine? If you are thinking to Granny?s house and on vacations, these are fine reasons, however commercial flights or car may be cheaper, quicker and more reliable. When you have a week to make a vacation destination you may want to still go commercial, RV-10 or not. However what about a trip with out the kid, just you in and the wife in the two seater? Well may be the wife might go for it? Have you used a personal 4-place plane before for the purpose of family travels? There are some limitations, especially if you are VFR. Even IFR there is weather you should not be flying in with a SE plane. Also as fast as a RV is, flying coast to coast is a long multi day adventure. Is that going to be fun for the child or the wife?

In the end the RV-10 is a much different plane, larger and ultimately much more expensive. Only you can make the choice. Knowledge is power. Go fly both 2 seater and RV-10 before deciding. IF you like sport flying (loops and rolls) for the sake of fun, than the two seater is the way to go. If you want a utilitarian hauler, never want to do loops or rolls :eek: than may be the RV-10 or a used Mooney, Grumman or Piper is best? A used 4-place plane may be cheaper than a new RV-10. A Mooney or even fixed gear C-182 or Tiger can give good bang for the buck. There is a cost in hauling the 4 seats around, whether you use them or not.

Cheers George
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If you are like me, most flying will be sport flying and the cost for additional seats is really wasted.
FYI - I used to own a Cessna 150 and one of the options was for a third seat in the center rear baggage space. (LIke in the -7) It was basically a booster seat for a small child. You do have to keep in mind the load limitations for the baggage floor, restraints and CG. This would be ok for a very small child, but once they grow up a little..... Anyway, it's only a temporary solution. But, seeing that these are experimental airplanes, you can do what you want as long as it passes the inspection.
I found that it was better to borrow or rent a larger plane for the occasional family trip. Most of the time, these trips included flying along with other friends who usually had an empty seat and they were glad to provide a lift. I have also been on the giving end so it balances out.
No matter which way you go, as long as it's an RV, I'm pretty sure you'll be happy!
thats the ticket

I think you solved my problem

I must go with the RV 7(8) . If I want to haul the family, then I will rent or go commerial ( couple times a year). To give up the loopies and rolls for the RV10 would be like try'n to ride my motorcyle without wheelies!!

After the first few roll during our family vacation, I can hear it already .
me - watch what I can do.
wife -" Cant you behave? do that when we are not with you." :mad:
daughter - " Again, daddy, again " :eek:

(2hrs later)

wife - now motion sick :(
daughter - " Again, daddy, again "
me - again ? loop or roll ? :D

Thanks for the good advice and shared wisdom.
Third Seat in RV7

A question on hauling a child around in the baggage compartment: The front seats in the -7 are designed to take certain loads to protect you in the event of an impact. I assume it's the combination of the seats and the structures they're sitting on that give you the protection that you have. Is there this kind of protection in the baggage compartment? I would be very hesitant to put an extra child's seat in the back without knowing how safe they would be in the event of a crash. Could the airplane haul a child in the back? Easily. Is it safe if something bad happens? That I don't know.

I will not haul my family in a 7, but I will enjoy myself 90% of the time. I will have to go commerical, probably more reliable and predictable weather wise.

Yes safety is a big issue when the children are involved. I think that was thought I didnt completely think through before I asked :eek:

But it did help me to decide on which to build... and I just saved myself 20k too.

thanks everyone :)