
Active Member
I'm pleased to report that my new RV-3B lifted off for the first
time today. We had a rare sunny and calm winter day in Oregon
that was perfect for the ocassion. My RV-4 buddy Brent Anderson
flew chase, and my wife joined the party from his back seat.

The airplane flew great, climbing at 2500 fpm with full fuel. The
right wing is very slightly heavy and the prop a bit under-pitched,
but these are minor squawks. I'm a newbie tailwheel pilot, but
the ground handling and landing were a piece of cake.

This is my third RV build, but it still took 2200 hours and nearly
four years to get here. Key equipment includes an AeroSport
IO-320 (160hp), Catto two blade prop, and AFS 5500 EFIS.
My S/N is 11426. I credit Randy Lervold for inspiration and
my wife for builder's assistance.

The air-to-air shots did not come out very well, but this wasn't
a photo mission. We will do better in the future. The "RV-grin"
comes out perfect every time :)



- Dan Benua
EAA Tech Counselor
Repeat Offender

Wow, this 3 thing is a freakin epidemic :eek::eek::eek:

Good job Dan, enjoy the new plane.
Well, since we seem to be averaging about one new -3 each week around here lately, they must be positively easy to build, right?

Congratulations, Dan. What a beaut. Looking forward to hearing much more as you enjoy your Phase I.

Outstanding Dan! Congrats on the "newest of the new" - it looks fabulous, and I already know what you have got to be feeling about how it flies..... :)

Wow Dan, she's gorgeous!

Your serial number is just 1 before mine (the new tail): 11427. I hope to join you in the sky sometime soon!
Beautiful Dan!

How about a couple more photos, including the panel? All these new 3's are starting to stir the building bug!

Really nice looking airplane and look forward to hearing more reports on performance as you work through Ph 1
More Photos...

Here are a few more showing the paint and panel...




Unfortunately the EFIS was powered down, but you can see what it looks like with the juice turned on here.

Dan Benua

Congratulations on completing your third plane! As with your other two, your newest one looks great.

You'll have to come by and have a look at my plane soon. I'm getting close and I think it will actually fly in 2012!
Beautiful and Fun

the only thing holding me back from building one is; i have been spoiled with pre-punch kits :D

I WANT ONE! Very nice. Wonder what Van's sales would look like if they spent some engineering time and pre-punched the kit. :eek:

Looks like your having fun as you should. Beautiful Airplane!
Congratulations "Danny Boy". I must have arrived shortly after your first flight. You must have just left the hangar,the cowling was still warm to the touch. Glad everything went as planned. Took the 8 up for an hour of fun in the cold clear air. I'm afraid the 10 will be lonely for awhile. You did a fantastic job, she's a beauty!!
