Ron B.

Well Known Member
I tried to search for my answer but had no luck. I would like to know what the center hole is for in the bottom center of the tank baffle # T-1002 and tank skin. There are three holes close together and the rivet call out leaves it open, does anything go in it later or is it simply a drain hole.
Thanks Ron
good timing...

Ron, I don't know the answer, but I have the same question as you. I'll probably be installing the back-plates in the next couple if no one else chims in I'll let you know what I figured out. My gut feeling is that I'll be putting a rivet in there. Maybe they couldn't fit the call-out on the drawing? I don't think I want to leave it is the fuel tank after all. -Jim
P.S. Here are a couple pictures. I should have rotated the camera for the first one...then it would match the drawings.

Hi Jim , the same rivet callout shows a different icon for the upper two T-1011 attach rivets, but does not have a rivet callout for that icon. I would assume that they are still AN426AD3-3.5 as the have the same materials to hold together.
It's fun figureing out the plan shortfalls, you end up spending most of your time determining if it you miss understand their intentions or if the plans are wrong. If Van's spent two hrs revising things it would save us all a lot of time. I would thing Van's would like for us to move along swiftly and build more kits, I can't figure them out. Just because they have the best plans in the industry , I see no reason not to improve them, if it can be done so easily.
I ran across this today. I'm building a set of tanks for an RV-10.
I would assume that the extra hole is used just to make sure that this flange gets aligned with the lower skin.


Center of the photo shows the extra hole between the normal spacing of the rivets on the tank baffle to skin rivets.

I had it on wrong and had to flip the baffle around 180 degrees.
No mention of this extra alignment hole in the plans or on the rivet callout.