
Well Known Member
The last midwest storm missed us by about 50 miles and all we got was some cold air on the back side which froze up the mud on top of frost left over from the previous rain storm. Time to roll out, kick the tires, light the fire and go fly - for sure.

The runway was very rough, no snow but lots of small frost heaves so it was a soft field combination short field aft stick, git her in the air ASAP effort. It worked well with no wheel pants damage observed. The cold helped a lot as the Lycoming just loves it. I'd guess the bum-pity bump bump roll about 800', a CS prop would have done much better.

Once in the air it was a quick climb to 3500' headed to my favorite gas station at KSET and a chat with the owner, another relatively old geezer who been around forever, still running his FBO. Not much flying going on but one still has to keep an eye out for traffic and the enemy, and sure enough up pops 2 small targets increasing in size - turns out it was a couple eagles circling at 2500' probably looking for lunch.

I managed to pull this off on Friday, Saturday and Sunday but by 3 pm yesterday the turf was getting wet, soggy and slippery as the OAT hit 40F. Forecast is for similar temps this week so the airport will be shut down once again. Things won't get anywhere near normal until the frost is gone which may not be until April the way things are going with these on and off cold snaps.

I've stirred up a bit of interest on improving the runway, most of it positive. Our little committee is getting informal bids to get a handle on the cost of concrete and asphalt and we are making adjustments as we go. It started out with a 2100'x30' runway but it looks like 2100'x25' would work just as well and provide for more grass for a parallel sod strip. Retaining a grass operation is an important element of the project. Driving on a new section of interstate recently, it looked to be 24' wide and would be most adequate for a small airplane runway. There are some public airports around the country with 20' wide runways. I noticed Polly Ranch where Paul and Louise live is published to be 22' wide and I used that as an example to show local skeptics what other airpark runways are like. If we do this right, the grass will transition smoothly to the hard surface and if someone in a Pitts can't see anything, he should be able to land in the 60-70 wide area be it grass or hard surface.

Anyway, we are learning a lot about building roads and the equipment needed to do the job right as that is what it amounts to. It is interesting.
Grass Strips to Concrete

We have a ton of grass strips down here, the property is so cheap that most people buy enough for a strip and own it themselves. We had a fly in community try to get started but not enough interest. The guy doing it decided staying at the local FBO was ok too.

I hit 100 hours this weekend on my plane and moved into a new hangar at ARA. Nice place with a lot of GA types and an 8000 ft runway. It is a training facility for helicopters and the air force uses it for training also. Not a bad place to be and the hangar rats down there are the best, full refrigerators and always looking for an excuse to BBQ.

S S Anderson
Lafayette, La.
RV 7A Flying
We have a ton of grass strips down here, the property is so cheap that most people buy enough for a strip and own it themselves. We had a fly in community try to get started but not enough interest. The guy doing it decided staying at the local FBO was ok too.

I hit 100 hours this weekend on my plane and moved into a new hangar at ARA. Nice place with a lot of GA types and an 8000 ft runway. It is a training facility for helicopters and the air force uses it for training also. Not a bad place to be and the hangar rats down there are the best, full refrigerators and always looking for an excuse to BBQ.

S S Anderson
Lafayette, La.
RV 7A Flying

Hey, Steve, good to hear you are flying. How's that Lycoming sound to you? :)
I base my plane at 45G, a small privately owned airpark in Brighton MI. The runway there is asphalt, 24' wide and 3100' long. My buddy flies his Cozy MKIV in all the time when he comes to visit. The narrow runway keeps you focused on your landings.
Lycoming Sound

As might imagine, the Lycoming is a terrific engine. I learned a ton in my first experimental adventure and redoing everything was a pain as I was at the hangar and could not see moving back home. My engine is great, it propels the plane to Van's numbers, I have had no oil leaks or problems. A week ago I had to redo my brakes, normal maintenance and I do think when you first start flying an RV you are hard on the brakes. I am not so keen on turning on the first turn out now especially if you have to taxi to the other end anyway.

I see you are flying as much as the weather lets you. This is a great time of year to fly in Louisiana. The summer is hot and bumpy but still good if you go in the morning. Will send photo of hangar.

S S Anderson
RV 7A Flying
Lafayette, La.