There is no real reason to stitch it if you cut, form, and attach it properly.

That said, if you're gonna stitch it anyway, I'd suggest dental floss.
Thanks for the ideas.

The reason I ask is that I chose to use two pieces of fabric on each of the baffle sides rather than the 4-6 pieces Van's plans call out. I figured I'd get a better seal that way. For the most part I have, and on my very first try. However, right where the side baffles bend inward toward the front, I ended up with the logical bulge when I put the cowl on. I found that simply slitting the fabric at the bulge allowed the fabric to overlap very slightly and now I have a perfectly sealing baffle over the inlet ramps and all the way aft. I'd just like to stitch up that overlap a little to keep the forward fabric overlaying the aft fabric and not vis-versa. I may even butt joint them and lace them together if I want a smoother joint.

The ACS lacing noted above sounds ideal, but I don't need a whole roll at $18-22 a pop, so I'll try to find someone to borrow a few inches from someone or use some dental floss I guess.

Thanks again.
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Red RTV......

Try a little of this. Will almost work like a glue. Should take care of your problem. Wanted to call you and see how it's going but I misplaced your number. Coming up that way soon. PM me your number if you will. Will try and stop by again.
Pliobond glue also works well. It smells pretty bad, though. (I find that the taste is better than Pro Seal...a bit more earthy with subtle hints of ear wax if served at room temperature.)
Punch a small hole thru both pieces where you want them to overlap. Fasten with a zip tie. Remove (or not) tie after 10-15 hours of flight time.
Terry, CFI
RV-9A N323TP
Lace it

I used the lacing I had left over from the fabric on my One Design.

I still have about a mile left over. E-mail me your address and I'll send you enough to do the job.
I drilled 3/32 holes in the fabric, laced it, then when all was finished, used black touchup paint on the lacing.
The areas not laced is where the baffles separate,
[email protected]
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