I have an old Bendix King KMD150 and a TruTrak Digiflight.

I would like the plane in IFR Category (private) which requires an upgrade. I would like TSO 146 standard GPS/NAV. I will keep the Dynon EFIS-D100 and a Dynon EMS-D120.

Current proposal is:-
  • Switch the TruTrack Digiflight to the TruTrak Vizion (Link)
  • Switch the Bendix King KMD150 to a Garmin GTN750 (Link)
  • Add to the capability of the Dynon D100 by installing an HS34 expansion module (Link)
  • Install the Garmin GTX33es (Link) which is an IFR-certified 250 W transponder, and
  • Retain the current Garmin SL40 as COM2 and add Garmin GMA35 Audio (Link) to integrate with the GTN750 and be COM1.

For the geeky here is a short YouTube showing the current panel (Link) and this plane is based at Jandakot YPJT Australia so is under Civil Aviation Order 20.18 (see p 24 of PDF at Link)

In advance thank you very much for any thoughts or input.

Here is a photo of VH-PDM (Link)

Best wishes
IFR upgrade

Hi Tim,
Might I suggest you contact Jake Jensen (jakejensen(at)
Jake has tons of experience with Experimentals and Dynons, having wired up quite a few RV's all around Australia.
Not only will he have the information about the compatability of all
the suggested components but, should you require it, he may also be
able to do the installation.
Rob Mont.
VH-MyRV ... RV-7A (12.5 hours into Phase 1)

It's interesting to see that the rules haven't really kept up with the times, when previously all the instruments where separate. Reading your rules yes you could say that the Dynon D100 covers all the requirements as it includes everything needed but one screen failure and you're history. A separate horizon or at least turn and bank is really needed.
If you want to minimise changes a GTX330es may just slip in where the 327 is.
Will the vizion work with the D100? As it doesn't list that in the trutrack info.
Again with just having one source of navigation information ie the GTN750 what is your plan if that fails?

Plan for the worst and hope for the best!

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.....but one screen failure and you('re) history. (A) separate horizon or at least turn and bank is really needed.

Plan for the worst and hope for the best!



To Peter's point here, one could consider the Gemini PFD, and wonderful little (3.125 inches) instrument that does quite a bit for its size, and, even with the back-up battery, will only add US$1500 to your avionics bill. See:

Here it is to the right of my HXr...

Fits Standard 3.125? Cut-out
Airspeed Indicator
Velocity Vector Display
Bank Angle Display
Vertical Speed Display
Track DG
Slip / Skid Indicator
Standard Rate Turn Indicator
Low Airspeed Warning
3.4″W x 3.4″H x 0.75″D
Weighs 5 oz

Tim, I'm running the Vizion and you'll love it. It 'talks' to my 430W and approaches on my D-100 as well. The HS 34 is a great addition.


Do you have space for a stand alone audio panel? If so, you would gain our Intelliadio (which Aviation Consumer wrote that it was better than Garmin's 3D) Bluetooth, and a very easy to use 3-soft key/graphics display while saving about $500 dollars.
Tim - what you are undertaking is a very exciting upgrade indeed.

The one suggestion I would make is that the GTX330ES is a very expensive solution. It is heavy, power hungry and really should have a source of cooling air to ensure better reliability over the long term when operating in high ambient temperatures and high traffic environments.

I don't know what Australian certification requirements need to be met in order for a transponder to be approved. In the absence of that information I would recommend that you consider some of the other options available in the marketplace, including the King and Trig panel-mount 1090ES units as well as the Trig remote mount TT22. The TT22 is the size of a typical altitude encoder - it's compact, lightweight, low power consumption and requires no cooling air. In our case, going with the TT22 and its associated TC20 control head (which is also the altitude encoder) was an easier choice than upgrading our pre-existing GTX330 to /ES capability.

I'l second Mark's recommendation on the PSE audio panel - great sound, better price. I wish I had some leftover budget to upgrade our PMA8000...
To save some money I'll second the TT22 recommendation. In fact, I'd recommend a GRT mini as a backup EFIS; it can control a remote mounted TT 22 ($2200 US). What I do not know are the Australian ADSB requirements. You'll have to check that the 750 - TT22 is an approved combination.

To one suggestion above: 330es has the same height and width as the 327 but is considerably deeper. In RVs the subpanel will need a cutout for it.
If it was me, I would hold off the upgrade of Digiflight II and put the $$$ towards a more capable EIFS for IFR. The D100, in my opinion is a great VFR EIFS. I upgraded from Digi to Vizion and feel have gained very little (considering I control the vertical thru my GRT EIFS)

Thanks Rob. Appreciate the tip. Will follow up. Lunch is due :)
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Being TSO 146 and IFR Private there is no need for a second GPS source under rules (and given price thank goodness). I suppose an iPad and a backup iPad running AvPlan (Aussie version of ForeFlight) is my plan for locational backup.

Thanks the remote mount version of Trigg's TT2 Transponder seems well worth considering. But with real estate on panel so precious I think the little control head 2 1/4" is substandard compared to having integrated into GTN750.

The Gemini is nice and glass but there is currently a TruTrak backup AH and bearing with battery backup so will probably stick with that.

There is not a Gemini in there but TruTrak's predecessor AH and heading with battery back up so will stick with that.
Cheap, easy, reliable, and redundant.

Take a look at installing a handheld GPS of you choice, held in place with a AirGizmo panel dock, and either a Dynon D1 or D2 pocket panel.

They are both easy to install, have hours of backup battery time, and will let you navigate and aviate should you have an electrical problem or issue with the D100.

I think you should talk to someone from the SAAA or similar with specific knowledge of the Australian requirements for IFR instrumentation in Experimental aircraft. Currently I believe that CASA specifies TSO flight instruments for new certifications so you may require a traditional six pack or an expensive TSO EFIS.:confused:

Fin 9A