
I'm New Here
This may be unusual, but I am not looking to be done quickly. I need my project to be pretty involved and take at least six years to complete. As a result, I am thinking about building primarily from plans (but buying some of the hard parts already made).

I have narrowed my choices to an RV-10 or a Zenith CH640. I'd really rather have the RV, but Zenith seems to be a better choice for the plans-builder, based on what I've heard about completeness of plans and the ability to order parts a la carte.

I would be really interested to hear from anyone with experience plans building an RV-10 (or a CH640 for that matter, but this is an RV forum:)). Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Building a plans built RV-10 is going to be almost impossible because the plans don't include dimensions on most of the parts because Van's assumes you bought them. If you go with the RV-10 and try to do plans built you're going to spend a lot of time asking people to measure things for you.

That said, I'm RV-10 kit #40032 and I'm still not done, so depending on how fast you work and how much time you've got to devote to the project, an RV-10 can definitely take you more than 6 years. Of course, if the Marine Corps didn't keep moving me every couple of years I might get done faster...

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032
Welcome to the VAF forum.

As PJ said, the -10 is not available as a plans built aircraft; standard build or quick build only.

Other than the, comparison of the RV-10 to a CH40 is sort of like comparing a Cadillac Escalade to Suzuki Samurai .

The CH640 kit runs about $28K vs. $36K for the RV-10. Granted you could complete the 640 for a lot less than the -10, mostly due to the engine (180 HP O-360 vs. 260 HP IO-540) and prop.

Zenith lists the 640 as a 2+2 whereas the -10 is a true four place airplane.

This doesn't take into account aesthetics, handling characteristics, or resale value. I'm afraid with the 640 you might spend $80K building a $40K airplane. With the RV you will spend $120K or more for a $175 to $250K airplane.
inquiring minds want to know

Just out of curiosity; does it need to take 6 years? is this a school (or prision) project?

If it only takes 3 years, sell it and start another.
Just out of curiosity; does it need to take 6 years? is this a school (or prision) project?

If it only takes 3 years, sell it and start another.

Jcaplin, thanks for the laugh.

The idea is to start this project while my son still thinks I'm cool so that when he realizes I not, he will still need to spend time with me working on it. (I've got him pretty well indoctrinated on the coolness of flying.) I figure if it is at least looking like an airplane in five years he'll be willing to finish it up. Besides, then he'll be old enough to start thinking about his own flight training.

941WR, I like the -10 much better than the 640, but the end result is less important than the process.