Paul K

Well Known Member
I didn't know it existed either until yesterday. It's in the middle of nowhere but right next to a ski and golf resort in the middle of northern Michigan. Wife and I were looking for something to do this holiday weekend and discovered a 10K run being held at Crystal Mountain resort. Yup, right next to Thompsonville airport. We could drive about 2+ hours each way or take the RV and get there to the airport in 30 minutes plus a 15 minute walk. Hmmm, fire up the RV!


7:00 AM and a beautiful silky morning to be in the air.


All systems go! Sorry it's little fuzzy, cell phone photo.


Wife likes it smooth too.


Thompsonville is a very rustic / primitive airport but the runway is recently paved and it is about 1 mile from the resort and the start of the 10K run.


An easy 15 minute walk from the RV and we are at the front entrance to the resort. Really nice place and a REALLY NICE GOLF CORSE too. Make a note to myself, Will golf clubs fit in a 7?

More to come
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One reason we really wanted to do this run is that my bride and I met 41 years ago on top of that hill. We were both in high school at the time and more or less had a collision just off the chair lift exit. As they say, the rest is history!


This is a beautiful trail run. Mostly flat and shaded. Temps in the 60s.


To make a long story short, it was a really good run but all good things end and back to the airport we go. Did I mention Thompsonville is really rustic? Got to love it.


Packing up and ready to go home after a very good morning of running and flying. Does she look happy? She is one of those people that if she doesn't get to run at least every other day, she isn't happy! Then again, If I don't get to fly every other day or so, I'm not happy either :D
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My wife and I fly up there every fall for a marriage retreat our church holds at Crystal mountain. They have a convenient outlet for a block heater and the resort has some nice restaurants. Crystal mountain will pick you up from the airport if you ask. Have they fixed the door lock on the airport office?
Bill, Figured that but the walk was welcomed after the run. By the way, a RV-10 pulled in just as we were leaving. Anyone on the forums? Looked really nice! Not a lot of planes at this airport (2) so to have two RVs there at the same time is amazing.