6 Gun

Well Known Member
Be sure to come to KTVI 45th flyin Oct 12-14 its free and one of the best over 300 planes on avg if weather is good.
Thomasville Fly-in

I'm in. Working daily to fly my 40 hours off so I can attend. One of the better fly-ins in the SE (IMHO) So far 36.2 on the hobbs so looks good I'll actually be able to fly my new RV-8A to its first fly-in.

Ill be there and hope to meet fellow RVers im bringing my champ and i park on back row closest to runway the champ is blue and white stop by and say hi

We'll be there, weather permitting. Tville is always a good day. I'll be looking for the Champ.

Phase I complete. Weather permitting I'll be there also, sans paint!!! (But October is b cancer awareness month, hence the pink cowl!!!)

Ray Lawrence (RV builder's assist center) and I will be there in "Rapid Transit". my -10:



It is early afternoon Sunday as I make this reply and I am now at home. I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning at Thomasville's fly-in. Two or three highlights I'll mention are the great food, hot showers and meeting a couple of RVers that I've kept up with over the years. I met Kyle Boatwright and Brian and Brandon Unrein. I saw Dan Horton's creation, but I never did run up on him, so he is still on my "to meet" list. My wife and I were very impressed with Brian and Brandon Unrein. They are really young but have had enough focus to build an RV10 in a little over 20 months. No paint yet, but it is so nice. Brandon (I believe Brian calls her Brandi) is doing the interior and it is "top shelf". What she has done so far is beautiful. They are a couple of IT buffs that obviously know how to get things done. Cool folks.

I also watched and helped load and unload child after child after child as Bob Willis (6 gun on this forum) gave free rides to America's future aviators. The smiles and joy after each ride was worth the time and effort. Bob does this every year in a Champ that his has owned for over thirty years. He's a very generous fellow for his dedication to flying children for free.

It was great. I'll be back next year if all goes well. Had a blast!!!!!
It is early afternoon Sunday as I make this reply and I am now at home. I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning at Thomasville's fly-in. Two or three highlights I'll mention are the great food, hot showers and meeting a couple of RVers that I've kept up with over the years. I met Kyle Boatwright and Brian and Brandon Unrein. I saw Dan Horton's creation, but I never did run up on him, so he is still on my "to meet" list. My wife and I were very impressed with Brian and Brandon Unrein. They are really young but have had enough focus to build an RV10 in a little over 20 months. No paint yet, but it is so nice. Brandon (I believe Brian calls her Brandi) is doing the interior and it is "top shelf". What she has done so far is beautiful. They are a couple of IT buffs that obviously know how to get things done. Cool folks.

I also watched and helped load and unload child after child after child as Bob Willis (6 gun on this forum) gave free rides to America's future aviators. The smiles and joy after each ride was worth the time and effort. Bob does this every year in a Champ that his has owned for over thirty years. He's a very generous fellow for his dedication to flying children for free.

It was great. I'll be back next year if all goes well. Had a blast!!!!!

Argh! I just saw this thread....would have come down if I knew about it....blegh!
Argh! I just saw this thread....would have come down if I knew about it....blegh!

Ya should have been there! Excellent fly-in with a very large contingent of antiques. The event is very low key and lots of people were giving rides. I got my first Stinson ride (my rudder skills are non-existant these days) and the Unreins gave me a ride in their RV-10. I met several RV'ers and was able to put faces with the names I recognize from VAF.

In the evenings they had a movie screen set-up and showed some pretty good stuff - The Muppet Show and Looney Tunes as warm-ups, followed by The Right Stuff on Friday evening and Battle of Britain on Saturday...

And finally.... They even have *real* showers without that mickey-mouse kitchen sink sprayer set-up. ;-)

Had a great time at T-ville the weather was could not have been better I meet kyle a great RVer and gave a shout out the window to Dan got busy and did not get to meet every RVer that came had a lot of fun and hope to meet them in the future. Thanks to Dave for the kind words but I was the one having the most fun.
I made my first trip to the Thomasville Fly-In on SAT:). I left the RV6-A at home and 3 of us came down in a Comanche 250 that I own a share of.
Great trip; great weather; great people; more Cessna 150's than I have seen in one place ever and very few RV's. I think we need to spread the word as this is a great Fly-In for fellow SE RVer's to take advantage of.

John Morgan
Next time two days!

Friend George and I flew up Sat AM from KZPH in separate RV-9A's. About 1:30 with some extending flying north of the field.
Exactly what everyone else has said - beautiful WX, great cross section of aircraft and burgers that tasted like you made them in your backyard. Suprisingly short count on RV's. Talked with and made lots of new friends.

Left later in the afternoon for an uneventful ride home - wishing I could stay longer.
If another high pressure system dominates the weekend next year we'll be there for at least two days.

If you're within a couple of hours - well worth the trip.

Great Fly In!
Friend George and I flew up Sat AM from KZPH in separate RV-9A's. About 1:30 with some extending flying north of the field.
Exactly what everyone else has said - beautiful WX, great cross section of aircraft and burgers that tasted like you made them in your backyard. Suprisingly short count on RV's. Talked with and made lots of new friends.

Left later in the afternoon for an uneventful ride home - wishing I could stay longer.
If another high pressure system dominates the weekend next year we'll be there for at least two days.

If you're within a couple of hours - well worth the trip.

Great Fly In!

Hi Carl,
My hangar neighbor always flies in & has told me what a blast it is.
Hopefully we will make it next year.
Nann & I flew up to DC on Saturday to tour the Air & Space Museum.
We had a great time & returned this evening before the weather trapped us in.