
Active Member
As several of you know, flying formation with your local group of sky-junkies is a very special treat.
However this past Saturday was even better than that for me. Sitting in my back seat was my 86 year old father. The man who patiently taught me the value tools, and how to care for them. Taught me how to use my hands, and that any job worth doing is worth doing well.
At the end of the day, I don't know who was happier, him or me. It was hard to tell, as we both had that tell tale RV-grin on our faces.
How was your Saturday????
That is really SPECIAL! thanks for telling us about a great memorable day and accomplishing kind of a Full circle.... lots of us never will.
Wishin my Dad could be here

Funny thing,

I was working with my son on Saturday, mounting the pitot mast and telling my boy how much grandpa would have enjoyed helping us on this project. Unfortunately lost him 9 years ago, he's not here to help out on the plane but if not for him I wouldn't have the love of airplanes.
Griff's dad is a handsome man,....

....not sure what happened to Griff. ;)
It was great to see him there Randy. He looked very proud of you.